

10 months, 11 days ago

Basic Info


December 25








[ I will never get over how pretty he is ;;v;; This Is A Fact ]

  1. Actually a Buff Boi™ but is always wearing loose-fitting clothing so as to not draw attention to it
  2. Favorite color is obviously green...
  3. Genius Scientist but that is also hard to tell from first glance
  4. Sweet face but known for sarcasm and cheesy one-liners
  5. Always completely covered up in public because he's self-conscious about his scars
  7. At first glance Suo appears reserved and studious, he keeps to himself and tries to maintain an even temperament when engaged. Often lost in his own head, it can take quite the upset, or interesting occurence, to drag him out of it. The few who know him, or are unfortunate enough to get on his bad side, quickly learn that he is in fact possessed of a sardonic sense of humor and terrible temper. Suo is both unbearably smug and unrelentingly sharp-tongued, almost everything he says can be couched to offend. It isn't that Suo means to be provocative, he simply lacks the ability to continuously filter his thoughts and intense reactions. While verbally- and sometimes physically- aggressive, he is also somehow in possession of a somewhat crooked moral compass that will see him doing good by others where able. The last two words being operative here, as Suo can't always see beyond himself enough to be a consistently 'good person'. He tries though, for what it's worth. The occasional smartass comment or display of temper will still surface when he lets down his guard...
  8. EXTRA
  9. He hates to share- anything- but especially his space. 
  10. He can be found stealing multiple catnaps throughout the day, often in strange places, as he tends to fall asleep without meaning to. 
  11. He may try to hide it but Suo is absolutely a huge nerd and geek, both. He knows a little about everything and tries valiantly not to share all of it at the slightest prompting. 
  12. Suo is also a massive fanboy of heroes real and imagined, this he also struggles to keep under wraps. If someone finds out that his boxers are actually Spiderman-printed he'd have to kill them. 
  13. His primary concerns are a bit...mad scientist-y in nature. Suo ponders over the possibility of creating 'new' demons as well as other powers that would bring him on their level. Thus he experiments on himself, and any supernatural creatures or beings he can catch, to that end.