Blair Hansen [CHIMERA]



9 months, 9 days ago

Basic Info




27 yrs


Power Index: Time Distortion - Has the ability to slow down/speed up time (Ex. Slow down a fist when fighting to counter-attack); can predict what someone is about to do; she can appear to have super speed; has limited time-traveling abilities (time-traveling is arduous and requires a lot of concentration and will-power; it becomes harder with the farther back or forward she goes).  Can create a time distortion field around other people via touch, and objects, though the latter requires more effort. 


Blair was sent to Jade's Hall when she was around seventeen because of all the trouble she was getting into using her powers.  Her family didn't know what to do with her and wanted her off their hands since she was committing bigger and bigger crimes.  Blair acted out this way because of a shoddy family life, with her mother being married and divorced three times, and the various fathers in her life all being their own brand of awful.  Instead of being put into "rehabilitation," as JH told the Hansens, she became one of Bradley Jade's test subjects for the clandestine experiments he ran on superhuman criminals.  

Spent eight years locked up and experimented on before she was broken out by one of Corrigan's inside men. Liberated from Jade's Hall by Terminus, Blair bought into Corrigan’s indoctrination hook, line, and sinker until she started to see what his real motivations were.  Mostly viewed being with the Mutilators as an outlet for criminal activities and protection from JH so she wouldn’t get caught easily. She doesn't like that she owes Corrigan for her freedom, and to rail against him, she'll assist the heroes when she can while trying to figure out a way to get out without him triggering the nanites he infused in her that would definitely induce a slow, painful demise. 

She meets Dead Eye–Aaron Benson–while with the Mutilators, a “part-time” team member who flits in and out to assist on certain missions, but is permanently stationed with The Enforcers, a white collar superhuman crime ring.  Blair is cagey with him at first despite his charms, but eventually starts talking to him when he subtly tells her that she’d have refuge with Gregory Sage’s people if she ever incurred Corrigan’s wrath.  Sage isn’t like Corrigan and his cultish ways, and pays well to those who work for him.  When Blair is comfortable enough with Aaron, she divulges to him about her time at Jade’s Hall, and is shocked (and heartened) to know he was a fellow innocent experimented on there as a child, so he knows what it’s like now.  Her worst fears happen when she helps some of the Titans in a fight (Junior Members since she draws a line with harming kids), and Corrigan sees her do so when she should have taken them out if he had his way.  He deactivates her powers and hurls a piece of shrapnel at her, which impales her in the torso, as a visceral way of telling her she’s been removed from his group.  Fortunately for her, Aaron was there at the time, and is able to spirit her away to Sage’s people before Blair can bleed out or be captured by the authorities closing in, Jade’s Hall people among them.

Sage is able to call in some favors with a few unlicensed surgeons he knows, and has Blair patched up and Corrigan’s nanites removed, though the latter is more of a painful process than anyone reckoned.  Aaron is with her every step of the way, and inadvertently, Blair starts to grow closer with him as she starts the next chapter of her life as a criminal.


  • TRUST ISSUES GALORE.  She’s been used by two organizations and she’ll be damned if she’s used by anyone else.  She’s doing things on her own terms now.
  • Super cagey and sarcastic as a means of coping and masking her true feelings.  The more sarcastic she gets, the more uncomfortable she is.
  • Suffers from PTSD but doesn’t realize it, so she’s come up with coping methods whenever memories of the past become too much for her, such as staying up late to avoid sleeping (nightmares) and taking on more assignments to distract herself from her depression and anxiety so she has something to focus on.
  • "No going back/I'm in too deep" mentality in regards to her life choices at present.
  • Her past life does not exist.  She is looking away. 
  • Locked in an abusive relationship with her rescuers when stuck with The Mutilators.  She feels like she owes them but doesn’t want to, so when she’s cut off from them, she’s temporarily relieved but also lowkey on edge with Sage and his crew as she doesn’t want a repeat.
  • Will help you then punch you if you try to thank her.  She’s on good terms with a select few members of the Titans, and she won’t hurt kids, so she’ll avoid those ones in a fight.
  • Hesitant about killing and opts to main when with the Mutilators, partially because she doesn’t want to be a killer, partially because she doesn’t want to give Corrigan the satisfaction of pushing her over the edge to be more like him and his associates.  Has become comfortable with it when with the Enforcers, especially when Sage finds out about her past with Jade’s Hall and lines her up with jobs to kill JH people, both those who she was in direct contact with when locked up there, or just anyone connected to the place in general.  “They’re getting what’s owed to them anyways.”
  • Always caught off guard when she’s gifted with anything since she had nothing of her own while at Jade’s Hall and the Mutilators.  Feels like she owes the person something and doesn’t understand she can accept it without giving them a gift in return.

Goals: Get out of the Mutilators and start fresh; exact revenge on the people who stole half of her life from her.