Hirudo Pyrrik



11 months, 4 days ago


ok jesus christ finally he's here

Hirudo Pyrrik , greatest hitman around

idfk uhh not relevant to cool lore he's a  he/him cis gender gay man    wha thte ufck are these emojis

Oh also he's tall he's like 6'2 or something

he's a violet blood, he doesn't really have an exact age but i typically imagine him around 10 sweeps/ 21 years. He's also a derse (?) prince of space and i think he was like capriciouskind or something (He can equip whatever weapon he gets his hands on, and likely knows how to skillfully use it)

etymology ummm "hirudo" is just the scientific name for leech, tho i like to call him hiru. "pyrrik" comes from the word pyrrhic like a pyrrhic victory. also im pretty sure it's pronounced pier-rick

also if you see any art of him with a bronze cowboy that is my good friend mel's oc.

he has so much fucking lore man ok cracks knuckles
His lusus is a giant leech. From the time he was very young it was his job to start feeding it, as it relied on him more and more (this is kinda like vriska core) . At some point he realized if he didn't start feeding it troll blood, it would kill him. He lives in this fancy hive on a small "island" not too far from shore, it'd kill him and wreak havoc on the bay if he didn't feed it. He was very very young when this realization sunk in, probably like 5 sweeps? like 10 or 11 years old. Anyways he's out and about knowing if he goes home without fresh blood the leech will kill him, and he weighs his options. He had always been a little bit too soft, notably lacking that infmaous highblood bloodlust, so he figured there was no way he could kill to feed his lusus. He's abt to just give up and accept his fate when he finds a young troll trapped under fallen branches, calling out for help--- and he uhh shoots her dead. That kind of begins the mark of his hitman lifestyle, and he gets really good at it pretty fast. He became a hitman because he figured only trolls who deserve to die would have someone who wants them dead that badly- but that first murder haunts his nightmares. He kind of has a very intense inner moral dilemma? Where he desperately wants to believe that he's a good person, he's not like those cold senseless killers, the other highbloods, even though his kill count is much higher than any of theirs. He convinces himself he only does this because he has to- but there are a few different realities ahead of him... what will he do with his life with no lusus to feed? When he's dedicated so much of it to learning how to kill, desensitizing himself along the way? 

also i forgot to put his personality oopsie. you cant even smell the trauma fr. he's got an air of an overconfident smug bastard, sometimes he's a total dumbass too. idk man he's just a silly guy