

10 months, 23 days ago



a orange tabby feline with blue eyes, he has a beige undercoat, cream chest and mouth, and an underbite. he is unusually fluffy.

spread love whever you go. let no one walk away without leaving happier.

| nomenclature

Pika - he was named after an old family friend
Paw - a symbol of his rank in his clan, he will have this name until he is 16 moons.

| age


| birth season


| gender

cis male | he/him

| orientation

bisexual (male leaning)

| story

AASB- As Above, So Below

| loyalty


| rank


| theme

flowers in your hair - the lumineers


Pikapaw is a large orange tom who resides in his home, Riftclans, elaborate cave system. Pikapaw has two siblings, Warblerkit and LemmingPaw, and a mom named Dipperdive. Pikapaw is overall a very happy tom, and is always very excited to make new friends in his clan, and maybe outside of it too... He may be young but Pikapaw is determined to be the leader of his clan, and has lots of time to think of how he's going to do that. Dont underestimate this tom, he's goes a lot of personility in him! Pikapaw is going to rock this world when he gets older, just you wait.

be like a flower, survive the rain but use it to grow.


Pikapaw is a tom with a plan. this little tom had a big personality for his young age, and is constantly soaking up information and bouncing around the clan. as he’s very extroverted, he tends to get along with his clanmates due to his easygoing nature. don’t let that fool you though, because Pikapaw is highly competitive. Though not the brightest crayon in the box, Pikapaw loves to learn. as soon as he was able to, and cats were willing to listen to him/teach him, Pikapaw is learning as much as he can. he soaks up information quickly, and is effective in learning skills to help his clan. Pikapaw is very attached to his mother, to the point where he can be a bit of a brat when he wants her attention. he’s a little moody around those he perceives as taking “his” attention from dipperdive, and can get quite jealous even if he doesn’t mean to. despite that, he’s slow to anger, and usually resorts to harmless pranks to just mess around with the cats around him. he loves to make cats laugh, and being the center of attention is his specialty. due to this, he's growing to be quite skilled in problem solving, physically and mentally. Pikapaw is also very naughty. he loves causing slight chaos wherever he goes, and has likely tried to sneak out of camp several times before he’s allowed to. however he will grow out of this once he feels he has a job in his clan, as he’s just restless and finds that doing things himself tends to lead to faster results.

  • Likes
    • bugs
    • learning new skilsl
    • playing mossball with other apprentices
    • making new friends
  • Dislikes
    • when his mom cleans his fur
    • his speech issues/lisp
    • thunderstorms

















  • Father: Mapletuft
  • Mother: Dipperdive
  • Siblings: Lemmingkit, Warblerkit
  • Mate: n/a
  • Kit: n/a


This is the story of a kit growing up during wartime. viewer discretion may be advised. [ Read more ]


0-1M : As all kits start out, his first moon is decently uneventful as he learns what his role is in the clan, and figures out how to be a cat. At this time he learns to walk, and begins to talk, though it’s not very good. He sticks close to his mother, as kits this young are pretty much useless except to eat and sleep. Pikakit talks to apprentices and warriors alike, but its not very good. He is however excited to learn about his clan and traditions.

1-2M: Starting to become more of a clan member, Pikakit speech improves(as he has an underbite), he learns to communicate his needs effectively, and is starting to branch out into meeting cats who visit the nursery. He at this time is being weaned, and has his first taste of prey, a chewed up mouse he shares with his siblings.

2-3M: Ever the jester, Pikakit continues to throw caution to the wind and goes full steam ahead as soon as he’s steady on his feet and can keep up somewhat with the older cats, and cause mayhem around the nursery. It starts off innocently, stealing moss balls from queens nests, right in the centers where they’d notice it was gone. He gets lonely as the only kit outside his siblings sometimes, but he’s learning to live with it.

3-4M:He begins learning basic skills to be a warrior, even if he still is very bad at them, the idea is there. At this time, he begins to explore outside the nursery, and meets the rest of his clanmates. Although he is known to cause chaos, he’s also adept at going unseen and begins to pick up on tensions around the clan due to war time. He tried his best to be funny and relieve some of this tension, but he’s unsure if it helps or not.

4-5M: Pikakit is restless in the nursery. He is either spending time with his mother, causing chaos, or trying to sneak out of camp. Rosecreek catches him one time, and if given permission, takes him just outside of camp to explore a little bit. He continues to learn from apprentices, and is building his relationships up with his clanmates.

5-6M: Growing increasingly bored of doing the same thing everyday, Pikapaw spends this moon preparing to be an apprentice. He diligently practices everyday, and even accompanies apprentices on their daily duties around the clan. He might also be found helping palecreek sort herbs.

6M: his apprentice ceremony is approaching! Pikakit grows nervous, and is slightly scared of his leader. He's learned his clan is in a war due to the gossip he hears around camp, and is beginning to form his opinions on this.







Neutral Good

Pikapaw has little to no opinion on his clans side of the war at this time. he is a young cat, and not told much but he does hear whispers. he's very loyal to his family and thats all hes concerned about at the moment.

Dipperdive . [ Mother ] Pikapaw is very fond of his mother. hes definitely the textbook definition of a mommas boy, and sometimes prefers to cling to her instead of going and being extroverted elsewhere. it often creates issues for his mom, who needs a social life as well, but Pikapaw is too young to realize this.

Warblerkit . [ Brother ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros.

Lemmingkit . [ Sister ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros.

Head Cannons

  • Pikapaw firmly believes cooties are real
  • hes very gullible and believes everything older cats tell him
  • he does not stop eating bugs. he is very fond of this activity. it worries his paents
  • Pikapaw LOVES being dirty. he hates being clean for the moment and will actively throw fits if hes forced to not be smelly and grimey
  • he has an iron gut and can and will eat anything he can get his paws on
  • he is trash boy. dirty grimey rat man.

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