Tyrnan Humboldt



10 months, 22 days ago


Name Tyrnan Humboldt
Gender trans man (he/him)
Age 27
Class Warlock
Species Half-elf
Height 6'2
Orientation Bisexual
Occupation Previously Quartermaster of the 'Wavecutter' ship

PLAYLIST 1 (missing era) ♫  PLAYLIST 2 (pre-missing era)
A DnD npc which i made, Boyfriend of my player character Arkzire ❤︎ 

Arkzire's lover who mysteriously vanished in the night months ago, leaving nothing behind to indicate his reason for going or where he is. His partner Arkzire has took to land in search of him and after months of searching he's uncovered that Tyrnan was seemingly forced to leave him, joining the enemies side for unknown reasons. 

during his time missing poor ark was tricked by someone disguised as Tyr. that version of him has the purple stone just below his chest. As of now they actually have reunited! but he's in bad condition and things still need to be done to properly fix him up :(

Traits: Logical, smart, loyal, very good at reading people, protective, speaks his mind but his honesty can be a bit harsh, he seems quite stern on the outside but that’s just how he presents himself, has a resting angry face that makes him come off as quite intimidating, softens up around ark, surprisingly very romantic.


  • His familiar is a wandering albatross named 'Artemis', he and ark both love her a lot, she went missing along with him
  • You hardly see him without his signature coat (unless ark has stolen it to wear)
  • Carries his special tome almost all the time usually tucked away somewhere under his coat
  • Writes poetry
  • Was the previous person contracted to Vampernalis ( Arkzire's current warlock patron who's helping him search for Tyrnan!)
  • not at all subtle about disliking people
  • 'Tyr' is Arkzires nickname for him, wouldn't like it if anyone else tried to call him that
  • maximalist when it comes to decorating, his quarters which he shares with Arkzire was covered with miscellaneous objects he'd collected over the years, quite nicely organised though. (like a toned down howls room)
  • physical details: Large scar on his face(dagger slash), scar on his lower abdomen(stab wound), top surgery scars (recent addition so not all his art has em), small cut scars on his hands (from vampernalis' tentacles), both ears pierced, wears a small braid in his hair, solid beefy build with particularly strong arms, tentacle tattoos going down his right arm(some art doesn't include those as they're a recent development).
  • Ark :)
  • reading, writing
  • gifting items to others
  • strong coffee
  • board games
  • collecting various objects for his quarters 
  • early mornings 
  • being by the ocean
  • others behaving recklessly, despite being quite reckless himself at times
  • clothing that's too restricting
  • appearing weak in front of others, bottles things up
