Nihnuzi Rhura



10 months, 4 days ago


Character NIHNU'ZI RHURA exit-button.png

Nihnu'zi Rhura

"Star Kissed Traveler"


Miqo'te / Keepers of the Moon


Male (he/him)


9th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon


Limsa Lominsa

Free Company

Skrunkly Squad (RABID)

A young miqo'te that grew up on a slaver's pirate ship. He spent his early years cleaning the deck and staying out of everyone's way, but not entirely understanding that what they were doing was wrong. It wasn't until he interacted with the people that they were transporting and they cowered in fear from him that he began to reconsider everything he had known growing up. This led to a discovery that he was not who he thought he was, and that his mother had not only been captured by this slaving ship, but that the pirates involved sold her off to an unknown party and kept him as cargo himself.

Realizing everything he thought about himself was a lie, he tried to escape the ship and his former family, losing an eye in the process and being stranded on Limsa Lominsa. He spent the next few years homeless in Limsa and doing odd jobs to survive. It wasn't until he ran into the notorious Sable Inarie that he realized he had found his first lead into who he really was, as this fellow miqo'te was not only from the same area as he had been born in but his half sister!

Now he spends his days working towards bettering the world, not only as the Warrior of Light, but as someone who wants to make amends for the horrible things he did and contributed to.

The Keeper clan's Nihnu has eight other children before she has Nihnu'zi. Born to a nuhn from a Seeker clan, Nihnu'zi's birth causes strife within both communities and leads to Nihnu leaving her clan with the baby in tow to protect him from possible harm. She chooses to cut through Thanalan in order to seek shelter in Vylbrand, but is intercepted by slave traders who take her away, never to be seen again by her son. The captain of the ship decides to take this baby in and names him Rhura, not believing in harming children. Rhura grows up on the open sea.

It is at twelve that Rhura first begins to realize something is wrong. He often stays out of the way, cleaning and doing chores that get delegated to him. Although he knows that people are transported on this ship, he never interacts with them or really sees them. On one occasion however, a woman being led onto the ship trips and Rhura instinctively moves to help her but she flinches back, hissing at him to stay away from her. This experience confuses him, and slowly but surely there is a growing unease about what is happening on this ship. This unease grows to be too much, causing him to question who exactly he is and where he came from, although deep down he knows the answer to this question. He breaks into the captain's quarters and it is there that he finds his answer. Within the captain's belongings he finds a journal belonging to Nihnu. It is there that he finds out what happened to his mother before she was sold off to another party. Shaken and furious, Nihnu'zi Rhura doesn't notice when the door opens and he is found out. He is beaten by the pirates that he considered family and that further causes it to set in that these people were never actually his family. He spends the next three or so years biding his time and gritting his teeth, looking for the perfect opportunity to abandon ship. This opportunity comes in the form of the Seventh Umbral Calamity, which the pirate crew ignores at first until things go off the rails. In the commotion, Nihnu'zi struggles his way across the ship and loses an eye in the process of fighting off the captain. He is slammed off the ship and goes overboard, thinking that this is where he will die. Surprisingly he does not die, and he washes up ashore in La Noscea just outside of Limsa, most of his possessions now gone but still in possession of his mother's journal. Vylbrand has been decimated by the Calamity and in the panic Nihnu'zi is able to blend into the people in Limsa and moves to help them rebuild. He lives the next couple of years helping the people of Limsa Lominsa and rebuilding not only life after the calamity, but his own life that was upended the day he found out that he and his mother were both in some aspects enslaved.

He is 17 when he meets Sable Inarie. She approaches him as he fishes on the docks and asks for his services on a quest she is on. Although he is open to helping strangers (especially for money), he has never really left the safety of Limsa, but he still accepts the job. The more time he spends with Sable, the more there's this nagging feeling that he's supposed to know her. She looks strikingly familiar and upon asking her about herself, he finds out that she is from the Black Shroud similar to him. This is highly unusual to Nihnu'zi, as his experience with Seekers of the Sun is that they tend to flock around warmer areas in Eorzea. Sable explains more about her background and her descriptions are incredibly similar to what Nihnu wrote in her diary, which Nihnu'zi had managed to keep on him all these years, albeit parts of it had been damaged in the water. What sets off alarm bells in Nihnu'zi's head is Sable mentioning the name of her father, whose name is clearly laid out in the diary, revealing that Sable is not only from the region he was born in, but is directly related to him as his half sister. Elated to find a piece of his family after all these years, he latches onto Sable and begins to follow her around, even after his job with her is done. The two become very close, and she introduces him to the first of the future free company, Cirinae and Lyngwyb.

ARR + Heavensward

With his discovery of his half sister, Nihnu'zi begins to wonder even more what became of his mother. The burning need to find out what happened to her becomes so overwhelming that he opts to leave Sable, Cirinae, and Lyngwyb. He heads to Ul'dah first, knowing that the journal he keeps in his possession chronicles the journey through the city state. He gets lost fairly easily in Ul'dah however, as the city is so utterly different from Limsa. In his confusion he ends up bumping into Thancred Waters, who casually flirts with the young miqo'te. Nihnu'zi, who has never experienced someone showing interest in him, becomes incredibly flustered and it turns him around even further, losing himself in the back alleys of the city-state. It isn't until Azena Haedal sees him in his confusion and approaches him that he snaps out of it, and she leads him around the city. The two become fast friends, as Azena can tell that Nihnu'zi has been struggling on his own since he left Limsa. She decides to help him with his search for his mother during his time in Ul'dah, and mentions that she knows his sister who spoke of a "twin" that she has. Through the weeks that Nihnu'zi is in Ul'dah he ends up also befriending the mysterious Tatsu Urabe, an adventurer that is sympathetic to Nihnu'zi's plight and tags along with both him and Azena. He doesn't speak of his past and doesn't really speak much at all, but he is a very loyal friend to the two.

With the addition of Thancred, Nihnu'zi, Azena, and Tatsu end up getting roped into fighting Ifrit. After defeating him, Nihnu'zi, gets involved with the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. The discovery that he is the Warrior of Light is an interesting one, and one that distracts him from his search for his mother. Although he would like to leave everything behind and continue searching, he has a duty now, and that is more pressing than chasing ghosts right now.

When Nihnu'zi is working with Thancred, everyone around them notices that the miqo'te is absolutely smitten with him. He genuinely believes there is something between the two of them, as he has just never experienced attention before. He is devestated however when he sees Thancred flirting with someone else, and reality hits him very hard. He is embarrassed and humiliated at the thought that Thancred was genuinely interested in him and begins to avoid him regularly. This causes a problem for the Scions, as the awkwardness affects everyone and Yda pushes Thancred into talking to Nihnu'zi to see what is wrong. Now backed into a corner, Nihnu'zi confesses and Thancred is mortified. He apologizes and feels guilty for doing that to someone he considers a friend and comrade, and the two try to move past it. Things continue to be awkward between the two of them however, and it is missed by everyone, Especially Nihnu'zi, that Thancred is not himself. It is only when Lahabrea reveals himself to have been possessing Thancred that Nihnu'zi realizes that his personal drama put everyone in jeapordy, and he internalizes the idea that this was all his fault. Saving Thancred somewhat changes the dynamic between them, as Nihnu'zi seemingly moves on as a result of letting his feelings get in the way of something he feels should have been obvious. The two become friends, then friends who flirt with each other as Nihnu'zi grows more comfortable and confident, then the dam breaks and they become involved. When things go awry in Ul'dah, Nihnu'zi's latent feelings for Thancred cloud his vision once again as he has to leave all his friends behind to their possible ends. This further compounds in Ishgard as he dodges the obvious romantic hints that Harchefaunt is throwing out, feeling a loyalty to Thancred who he doesn't even know if he is still alive.

Nihnu'zi doesn't like Ishgard. It's colder than what he likes and the people, with the exception of the House Fortemps, make him feel unwelcome. He wonders is his friends are okay, not only the Scions but Azena, Tatsu, everyone who he interacted with possibly thinking the worst of him. He fights Nidhogg. He wins. Everything is okay. Estinien isn't okay. Blood is shed. More blood is shed. Harchefaunt dies.

Nihnu'zi is not alright when Harchefaunt dies. He knows it's his fault, he's tired of his friends dying, he can't concieve that someone who was in love with him died for him, and he feels even greater guilt that it was unrequited. He thinks maybe if he had returned Harchefaunt's feelings, maybe if he had done something different, maybe Harchefaunt would still be alive. Seeing Thancred again causes him to all but shut down. It's too much, he can't do this. Things are awkward but they're too busy to really dig into it. It feels good to kill Thordan, it feels even better to save Estinien.

Thancred further curls up into himself now that Minfilia is gone and Nihnu'zi is left to deal with Harchefant's loss alone. He cuts his hair and grieves. He regrets not being more personable during his dinner with Aymeric, but he's sure the elezen understands. He tries to visit Estinien only to hear that he's already left Ishgard and Nihnu'zi thinks it's time to do the same.


The plight of the Ala Mhigans brings Nihnu'zi back to his past. He spent his whole life oppressing people, and he still holds himself responsible for it. No matter how many times his friends tell him that he was just a child, he still holds himself responsible. Maybe that's why he throws himself so whole heartedly into the war for liberation. Nihnu'zi trains himself, trains others, helps in any way he can, throws himself into anything that lets him forget about his feelings. In his grief he becomes attached to Zenos in a twisted way. Their rivalry and animosity for each other gives him an outlet for his pent up feelings, and just as swiftly as it came, Zenos takes it away from him by ending his own life. Nihnu’zi is even more despondent and retreats even more inwardly into himself. As his friends fall comatose one by one, Nihnu’zi wonders if he is meant to be alone.


Waking up in the First is a surprise for Nihnu'zi. Much more so that the Scions have been living in the First for many years as time has moved differently between the shards. Nowhere does the passage of time feel more apparent than in the way Nihnu'zi and Thancred interact with each other. Where there was once something akin to affection there is anger and strife as Nihnu'zi lashes out at Thancred for many reasons, including the way he acts around the young Minfilia. The two struggle to find common ground as they all set out to save the First from the sin eaters. Nihnu'zi falls into the role of Warrior of Darkness easily, adopting a scythe as his weapon as he cuts through lightwarden after lightwarden, ignoring the way his body buckles under the pressure of all of the light inside of him. Somehow it is Lue-Reeq that manages to start bringing Nihnu'zi out of his despair, as the young Mystel takes him hunting for Andreia and the memories of Renda-Rae ring eerily similar to the way he feels about himself. Ardbert helps on this front as well, reminding Nihnu'zi that heroes cannot do things alone. Emet-Selch's plight makes Nihnu'zi pity him, the way that he walks and the look in his eye betraying the candid nature of his mannerisms. The pity doesn't entirely disappear despite Emet-Selch almost killing the Crystal Exarch. With Nihnu'zi almost succumbing to the light and becoming a sin eater, the Scions are forced to retreat, Thancred carrying him back to the Crystarium. Although Ryne is able to stablize Nihnu'zi, this is only delaying the inevitable. Nihnu'zi reflects on what it means to die, and he considers what it will do to the people around him. He will kill many people when he dies, and the despair will take the lives of many more. But more than that, the people who love him will suffer as well. Ardbert and Minfilia's message rings clear, he can't do things alone.

After speaking with Ardbert one last time, he has a new resolve as he heads out after G'raha Tia. He and the Scions leave to the Tempest, and it is there that they enter Amaurot, or at least, the Amaurot that Emet-Selch has recreated. Nihnu'zi experiences the calamity that sundered the world as Emet-Selch shows it to him before they fight, and although initially overpowered, Nihnu'zi fuses his soul with Ardbert and with the help of the Scions is able to defeat Hades, the man who carries the title Emet-Selch. He promises to remember the Ascians as they were, and as Hades fades away, Nihnu'zi finds that he feels saddened by that.

Being able to go back to the Source is a relief, and Nihnu'zi is relieved to see his friends again. Tataru comments that he is different, and he laughs it off, claiming it's the new hair, but he knows what she means. He feels Ardbert's soul burn warmly, and he knows things are going to be okay. Things do not stay calm for long however, as he must go back and forth between the Source and the First delivering information. A new "Ardbert" appears, revealed to be Elidibus, and Nihnu'zi is furious that this puppeted version of his friend is manipulating the people of Norvrandt. On a quest to meet back up with Y'shotla, who has been at Anamnesis Anyder, Nihnu'zi is intercepted by Elidibus, who takes Y'shtola away and refuses to bring her back unless Nihnu'zi deomnstrates his strength to the Ascian. While Nihnu'zi is able to get through every one of Elidibus' trials, he falters at the retelling of the Dragonsong War. Although it disturbs him otherwise to cut down spectres of his friends, seeing Harchefaunt in front of him stops him in his tracks. Although he has come along way from his days in Ishgard and believes he has managed to grab a hold of his grief, his blood runs cold as the image of his friend looks up and smiles at him.

He doesn't want to kill Harchefaunt, but it is the only way to make it stop. He falls to his knees as Elidibus towers over him, willing himself to move. Eventually he is able to stand up again, the blood on his scythe a grim reminder as he moves on. He's entirely numb once he reaches the simulacrum of Zenos, and he kills it easily and without hesitation. He fights Elidibus in Ardbert's body and he means to kill, but of course killing an Ascian is no easy matter. After the battle he meets Hythlodaeus once again and although he struggles to understand everything they tell him, he understands one thing, that he is a shard of the 14th of the Convocation. Although the name is not directly said to him, he knows it: Azem. He wonders if Hades knew, he knows in his heart that he did.

It is an odd thing to be on the other end of the Warrior of Light. Nihnu'zi is able to channel his power to call upon his friends from the free company. As he sees them, his heart swells with love as he sees that he has never truly been alone. Azena, Tatsu, Sable, Cirinae, Lyngwyb; they have always been there. Elidibus' defeat should feel like a victory, but as he sheds a tear for his friends Nihnu'zi finds that the victory rings hollow. He is unable to see the Ascians in the same evil light he once did, and he sits there with Elidibus until the Ascian fades away.

With the First saved and the Eight Umbral Calamity prevented, G'raha makes Nihnu'zi promise he will take him on his next adventure and Nihnu'zi smiles at him warmly. When G'raha turns into pure crystal, Nihnu'zi finds that he is not sad, knowing that he will see him again soon. The Scions bid their farewells to their loved ones in the First and finally, finally they are able to return home. Nihnu'zi immediately sets off towards the Crystal Tower, and within a few days, G'raha Tia is a member of the Scions and free to live his life in the way he never could as the Crystal Exarch. Nihnu'zi and G'raha become much like bonded cats, inseparable and dependent on one another for many things. Although Nihnu'zi is very close to his other friends, he considers G'raha his other half in many ways. The anxious Miqo'te often turns to Nihnu'zi when he is unsure of something, and Nihnu'zi turns to G'raha in times where his traumas flare up and make him feel unworthy of love or alone.

With everything said and done, Nihnu'zi moves from Azena's home to Shirogane, finally feeling confident enough to stand on his own two feet. He invites G'raha to go with him, although even with their bonded nature G'raha declines. Despite differences in where they live, visits are only an Aetheryte crystal away, and Nihnu'zi leaves for Shirogane not worrying about a thing. He enjoys his free time for a while, visiting his friends, learning a few non-combat skills, and he feels like he knows true peace for the first time in years. This of course doesn't last long, as a knock on the door one rainy night thrusts him right back into chaos.

Katani Devi, daughter of Adkiragh Devi stands at his door. Nihnu'zi never quite knew her on a personal level, but he remembers her father the few times the Au Ra's ship attacked the ship Nihnu'zi lived on. He remembers glimpses of the young girl peeking out of a porthole as he hid indoors, and the two even spotted each other a couple of times. Katani has grown now of course, and she saunters in like she owns the place. She comments that he's made quite a name for himself; the Warrior of Light, a part of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, even the free company has its own notoriety at this point. She remembers when he was just a young punk kid on a slaver ship. He twitches at that but lets her continue. She explains that she is in mortal danger and in her journey to figure out a way to save herself, she was pointed in the direction of the esteemed Warrior of Light. She explains that her skyship shot down a Garlean magiteck vessel and essentially brought down the might of the whole empire on herself. Everyone was killed when her ship was shot down but she survived, and in order to keep surviving she needs some form of protection; perhaps in the form of RABID, or perhaps the Scions, and being that she knows the Warrior of Light....well. Nihnu'zi mulls over what she says before she continues on to say that normally she would never ask for help from a slaver and before she knows it she's slammed into the wall as Nihnu'zi snarls at her to stop calling him that. His strength has grown since his soul fused back with Ardbert's, and he can see bruises beginning to form on her skin where he's clutching. It is silent for a moment as Nihnu'zi and Katani both breathe heavily and as he calms down, he realizes there is a dagger to his stomach. He lets her go and apologizes, but tells her that's not him anymore. He agrees to help her escape Garlean detection, and the two decide on a plot to make her disappear even more than she already has. Nihnu'zi announces to all his friends that he is getting married.


Seeing Estinien again is a relief for Nihnu'zi. He has not seen him since the end of the Dragonsong War, and he is thankful that his friend is still alive and well. He seems different, calmer and wiser than he was when Nihnu'zi last saw him. Still abrasive as ever however, Estinien speaks to Nihnu'zi bluntly and Nihnu'zi is glad to see he hasn't entirely changed. As they head out to Azys Lla, as Estinien berates Tiamat and her resolve comes back, Nihnu'zi sees him in a new light. He catches that small smile that forms on Estinien's lips and his heart skips a beat.

Nihnu'zi likes Thavnair (Old Sharlyan not so much). He is able to bring Azena along with him back to Thavnair where she help prevent him and the other Scions from getting lost. She unfortunately does not account for Estinien's spending habits and manages to lose him as he buys something to tie up his hair. They all imagine Tataru's wrath and find the situation partly humerous but partly terrifying as Estinien looks on in confusion.

Radz-at-Han is like nothing he has ever seen before; the colors and the smells all overwhelm him in the best way. He cannot fully take it all in however as they are there on urgent business. He doesn't expect Vrtra, but then again nobody really does other than Estinien, whose bond with Nidhogg easily reveals the presence of his broodbrother. Again, the way that Estinien handles the situation impresses Nihnu'zi, and it adds to the growing warmth in his chest that he's been developing as he has interacted with the elezen as of late.


  • Noble
  • Headstrong
  • Empathetic
  • Determined

  • The open sea
  • Intimacy
  • Fish keeping
  • being up high
  • Sweets

  • Reading
  • Paperwork
  • Zenos
  • Aluminum foil
  • Fishing

  • Can only read and write very simple words
  • Regularly dyes his paws to match his hair color
  • Is banned from Cirinae and Lyngwyb's bar
  • Lived with Azena for half of his adventures
  • Chirps when he's excited or thinking

Thancred Waters

Relationship 70/100

Estinien Varlineau

Relationship 90/100

Zenos yae Galvus

Relationship 10/100

G'raha Tia

Relationship 90/100

Katani Devi

Relationship 70/100

Sable Inarie

Relatonship 80/100

Azena Haedal

Relationship 85/100

Cirinae Avagnar

Relatonship 65/100

Lyngwyb Pyrophyte

Relatonship 65/100

Ehranduil Sylvir

Relatonship 55/100

Luhar Madruhgha

Relatonship 75/100

Tatsu Urabe

Relatonship 69/100


Level 66
