John Sekiro




45 — March 22nd
She/He — Bigender | Asexual

Her real name is indeed Sekiro. A member of a once renowned Fixer Office in the service of an extremely affluent Family, Sekiro was the youngest of the office and the adoptive child of the Office’s operator, Fukuro. A stellar fixer, she was the guardian of the young heir. However; when the infighting continued on, she failed her task and lost her honor as a Fixer. However, in an attempt to take her own life, she came back from the dead. This caused a problem, as she violated a law established by the Head and was banished to the Outskirts. Later on, she receives news that her master had sent out people to search for her in an attempt to smuggle her back into the City, hiding her within the confines of Lobotomy Corporation which they helped sponsor. Sekiro simply did as she was told, and worked for the Corporation dutifully. Due to her background, she was later named John Sekiro as a joke. Despite her rough and silent exterior, she doesn’t seem to take offense to the John naming and responds to either John or Sekiro.