


10 months, 22 days ago


Cherub rock

name: Lila
nickname: Agent 3, three, captain
age: 18
pronouns: she/ her
species: inkling
main: hero roller
ranks: S
occupation: musician

Former agent 3 of the squidbeak splatoon and current reluctant captain (she does not want to be there)(get her OUTTE)

She likes instant noodles and spicy food and thrifting. And hates old man cuttlefish and being perceived and losing. She doesn't really like doing turf and ranked matches a lot because she gets VERY tilted and has weak joints. But when she does, she takes off the mask to mouth words to her teammates. Her special interests are guitars and history and over the years has gained a huge collection of beautiful and unique guitars and various other instruments.

She's in a band with her gf, Cynder, and friend, Piers called Bleached Tea. Though her and Cynder are the core members of it. Piers is their producer and steps in from time to time to play drums or piano as needed. They play more rock and metal inspired music.


She's autistic and while she can generally be a pleasant person to be around, she hates keeping a fake smiley face and seems mean and disinterested most of the time. And she usually isn't! But she has gotten a lot more grumpy and apathetic over the years. She's usually pretty sarcastic and monotone. Keeping quiet to herself and just witnessing what's happening around her.


  • music
  • beanies
  • Cynder
  • loud sounds
  • attention
  • bright spaces

  • Solely exists because I wanted to give 8 a gf lmao...
  • I can't decide between her wearing big shirts and short shorts or small shirts and big skirts :\
  • She's also selectively mute and only ever really talks to Orion and Cynder. And made up her own sign language that only they know that she uses for quick communication.
  • She's a VERY good roller player, and used to be considered a fearsome high rank in splat1 competitive days.
  • Her natural ink color is orange. But she likes to stick with random colors every day.
  • Trans :P she used to look like the blue splat1 inkling boy.
Design Notes

  • sneaky beanie
  • forge octarian jacket
  • Le Lo tops
  • annaki tigers

Lila is a taller than average inkling with the hippie hairstyle styled into curls. She has bangs cut diagonally and a slit in her right eyebrow. Her right eye is scarred from the ooze, staining her skin and the tentacles it touched. Her eye now permanetly squints because of it.

She wears any 2nd hand or thrifted gear she can find, and doesn't really have a "style", but she does dress up when she goes on to perform. Donning a fancier dress jacket and shoes. She also always covers her face for perfomances. Putting on glasses over her mask and beanie.




Agent 3





Orion sibling

Lila's "long-lost" sibling. Both were from a very big family, and Lila decided to run away when she became 14, leaving behind all her siblings. Orion and Lila reuninted after she helped Cynder get to the surface and needed a place to stay. Finding out that she's both agent 3 and their sister. Things are a little tense between them, but they still care about eachother a lot.

Cynder Girlfriend

Her partner! Helping her escape to the surface, Cynder feels she owes everything to Lila, but Lila always shuts that down and tells her to relax and be herself. The more they spent with eachother, the more they fell for each other. Eventually they decided to make a band together, almost fully retiring from being agents.

Piers Bandmate

Piers is a friend of Cynder, who eventually became a friend of Lila, he helps them in lots of ways. They were both so lost on how to actually make a band and record music, so he became their producer and manager for any shows. He also occasionally joins in as the 3rd memeber when the song needs it.