


5 years, 11 months ago


My anxiety personified. I created him when I was experiencing sensory overload

Name: Goop

Age: Young Adult

Pronouns: He/They


He has big sensitive ears and is nearly always crying or on the verge of tears. He is very sensitive to change and doesn't like going out to the city as it's big and loud and crowded there. He really enjoys nature however! He loves feeling and hearing the wind, listening to bird, insect and frog song, and other natural sounds and sensory experiences. He is an artist and prefers working traditionally over digital be it colored pencil, markers, watercolor or paint. He also prefers working with soft and earthy colors as it's easier on his eyes.

Goop often experiences anxiety and panic attacks. When going through one he will start to sob uncontrollably and promptly turn invisible before running around in a panic, knocking stuff over, desperate to escape the negative feelings. It's best to not talk to him when he is this upset, give him a comforting item such as a fluffy blanket or a plushie and then give him space so he can calm down on his own. He also often hides in his own coils, much like a ball python might.