



His codename derived from the Greek goddess of lightning, 'Astrape' (雷) came as a sort of 'emergency measure' for a certain private military company—Maverick Security Consulting, Inc.—after their main frontline soldier appeared to have gone completely AWOL. Upon learning that he was a mere replacement, however, Daigo then learned to feel nothing but contempt and anger towards those who sought him as such, and only such. This newfound anger broiling deep inside of him served to aid him greatly in his quest for purpose, his only aid being his sword.

▶ The art of the sword.
▶ Cerulean blue.
▶ Caldo de Feijão. (Beans soup.)
▶ Crisp, chilly weather.

▶ America.
▶ Excess bloodspray. (Some bloodspray is okay.)
▶ 'Unserious oafs.'
▶ Being referred to as 'dainty' or 'girly.'

▶ In his youth, he attended 'Kashima Shinden Jikishinkage-ryū' (鹿島神傳直心影流, かしましんでんじきしんかげりゅう), a Japanese martial arts school of swordsmanship, of which taught 'perfect clarity of mind' above all else.
▶ Daigo is the descendant of famous Japanese swordsmith, Hiroshige, signature 'Bushu Shitahara Jyu Hiroshige' (武州下原住広重), and his personal blade is one of several katanas Hiroshige himself smithed in the early Edo period. He later had it upgraded to an HF blade.
▶ At the height of further immigration restrictions brought on by the U.S., Daigo's grandparents, along with several other Japanese expats, found refuge in Brazil, despite the conditions being less than favorable. Daigo himself didn't live through these conditions, however.
▶ Daigo transferred schools a couple of times in his childhood; having attended a single school in America, two schools in Japan, and two schools in Brazil.
▶ Daigo can speak Portuguese, Japanese, English, and Chinese. He also knows morse code.
 NAMEDaigo Hiroshige



 SEXUALITY Homosexual
