


10 months, 22 days ago


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Isildur Evren

Isildur Evren
33 years
Male (He / they)

Design Notes

Most often only wears blues/purples and silver.

Prefers open/flowy shirts.

Has a small pair of wings sprouting from his lower back.










Feeling trapped

Greatest Strength

His charm: Isildur has a knack for knowing what to say to charm or woo anyone that crosses his path.

His music: having learnt and practiced music from a young age, his talent a skill allow him to play anything from rowdy tavern songs to beautiful melodies.

Greatest Weakness

His fears: Isildur has a number of fears that often hold him back and can sometimes cause him to act irrationally, lashing out at those he cares for and making questionable decisions.

"his toes are sensitive to the tickles." - My DM.

Lv. 4 Bard
True Neutral
Common, Elvish, Sylvan
Flute, lute, harp, violin

Skill name

Duis sed orci sit amet nisl fringilla ultrices. Mauris aliquet condimentum elit tristique fermentum. Pellentesque pellentesque arcu sem, at posuere lorem auctor id.

Skill name

Duis sed orci sit amet nisl fringilla ultrices. Mauris aliquet condimentum elit tristique fermentum. Pellentesque pellentesque arcu sem, at posuere lorem auctor id.

Skill name

Duis sed orci sit amet nisl fringilla ultrices. Mauris aliquet condimentum elit tristique fermentum. Pellentesque pellentesque arcu sem, at posuere lorem auctor id.

Positive Traits

Donec in vulputate libero. Nullam posuere tortor arcu. Pellentesque non consequat ipsum. Vivamus at arcu nec leo vehicula dignissim. Aliquam posuere urna ut sem luctus rhoncus. Aenean ut sollicitudin sem. Maecenas in viverra mi. Mauris commodo nulla dolor, eget varius elit scelerisque at.

Neutral Traits

Donec in vulputate libero. Nullam posuere tortor arcu. Pellentesque non consequat ipsum. Vivamus at arcu nec leo vehicula dignissim. Aliquam posuere urna ut sem luctus rhoncus. Aenean ut sollicitudin sem. Maecenas in viverra mi. Mauris commodo nulla dolor, eget varius elit scelerisque at.

Negative Traits

Donec in vulputate libero. Nullam posuere tortor arcu. Pellentesque non consequat ipsum. Vivamus at arcu nec leo vehicula dignissim. Aliquam posuere urna ut sem luctus rhoncus. Aenean ut sollicitudin sem. Maecenas in viverra mi. Mauris commodo nulla dolor, eget varius elit scelerisque at.


Others' Perception


How do the character's loved ones see them? Keep this description short for the sake of both your profile's appearance and my sanity.


How do strangers see them? Keep this description short for the sake of both your profile's appearance and my sanity.


How do their enemies see them? Keep this description short for the sake of both your profile's appearance and my sanity.

Quote about this part of your character's life here.

Isildur was born as the son and heir to an elven king, however gained most of his features from his tiefling mother, Cassiopeia. As his mother had died in childbirth, Isildur spent much of his childhood with maids and nannys, only gaining occasional attention from his father, however this was the calmer part of his up-bringing. When he began his studies at the age of 5, it was quickly discovered that the young prince seemed to refuse to learn to read. He would complain to his tutors that the squiggles never made sense and never stayed still. The tutors and the king simply concluded that Isildur was daft and attention-seeking.

As the young prince grew, so did his beauty. In his teenage years, Isildur gained great amounts of popularity amongst his citizens, who idolised his looks. Despite his love from the public, Isildur remained estranged to his father, their only interactions consisting of the king’s punishments and disapproval, and the act of ‘loving father’ which was played for the public.

You can make these quotes longer if you wish This box doesn't scroll, however.

Finally, when Isildur was 17 and nearing adulthood, his father cracked. Unable to cover his resentment for his son anymore, and feeling threatened by the prince’s popularity amongst the public, the king decided to set an assassination plan in motion.

Having escaped, Isildur fled as far from his homeland as he could. However, in his panic, he had not considered his basic needs and, having spent every last cent on travel, he found himself in an unknown land with nothing to eat and no roof above his head. Isildur spent his first few weeks playing his flute in various streets and outside taverns, scraping together what he could, yet, after a few too many muggings and beatings, he became desperate for a place to stay.

Unfortunately for the young tiefling, his desperation led him to the doorstep of Draven Brothier, a dragonborn nobleman with a love for pretty things. Isildur had caught the nobleman’s eye one evening as he played outside a rather popular tavern, and so Draven had sent his various contacts to slowly nudge the boy in his direction. After a week, Isildur had finally given in, asking around for directions to Draven’s estate and pleading for an audience with him.

Having spent his past few weeks on the streets, being challenged for any coin he could gather, Isildur hardly hesitated to sign the contract Draven immediately offered, not even blinking twice as he signed his rights away, selling himself to the dragonborn as an indenture.

You can make these quotes longer if you wish This box doesn't scroll, however.

Under the ownership of Draven, Isildur quickly discovered that the dragonborn was not so different from Isildur’s father in his cruelty, though the sweet words he relished in whispering almost tricked him into beliving he may actually care. The teifling’s talent for music pleased Draven greatly, and he was always presented as the lord’s pride possession, playing the harp or flute at any gathering he hosted.

After another 6 years in a situation barely any better than the one he had previously fled, Isildur, yet again, made an escape, fleeing the nobleman’s estate and travelling constantly, passing from town to town and scraping together a living by performing in each of the taverns he passed. He spent another 2 years doing this, before he found himself in a town by the coast, staying in the tavern where he performed each night.

Last tab!

As the months passed, and Isildur remained in the town, he told himself he was only staying there out of convenience, allowing himself to rest before he was back on the road, but as the seasons passed, and months turned to years, it became clear he had found a home.

Performing in the tavern, he befriended it’s owner, Tasha, and eventually warmed up to the rest of their small community, becoming especially fond of Amarantha, a small angel, Tanol, a ‘human’ kid, and Kaida, the daughter of a member of the gaurd.

Growing close to a horned man named Zelun, the captain of the town’s guard, the two’s friendship grew and their feelings progressed beyond platonic. After two years, Zelun finally confessed and the pair officially began their romantic relationship, getting engaged another two years later. Isildur has spent the past year planning his wedding, refining his musical skills, and becoming the adoptive father of Tanol after his previous foster father’s death.

Isildur's easy charm and flirtatious attitude make it easy for him to befriend others, however he struggles to trust people and often resorts to being very deceptive towards strangers. Those he sticks around long enough to trust and grow close to are increadibly important to him, and he would lay down his life for them in a heartbeat.

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