


1 year, 2 months ago


Long ago, a village came under a hard time. Livestock would be slaughtered, valuables stolen, whole building burned down. Growing tired of this constant strife, they searched for a reason, and ultimately found one. It was known that a nearby forest was home to a dragon. No one had seen the beast up close, but given what had happened, they came to the conclusion that he must have been the cause of it all. They put out a bounty for the dragons head, and posted it all over town. Soon, a self proclaimed dragon slayer showed up and promised that the dragon would soon be the least of the villages troubles. He disappeared into the woods for three days, and when he finally returned, he held in his hands the dragons heart. The village started to celebrate, thinking they were saved... until the dragon slayer gave a sharp whistle. Suddenly armed bandits descended on the town, almost immediately taking it under there control. AS it turns out, the dragon had just been living peacefully, and the bandits were the ones that were causing all the problems. They only didn't escalate because they too thought the dragon was a threat. But now that he was gone, there was nothing stopping them... or so they thought.

The spirit of the dragon watched this all unfold, and grew angry. When the clock stroke midnight, it descended on the town, and by the time the sun rose in the morning, all of the bandits were dead... save for one, the dragon slayer himself. Escaped during the scuffle, he was long gone. This left the dragons spirit stranded, it's job unfinished. So it began to roam the world, trying to find the one who took his life. But in his search for vengance... he found a new purpose. In his journeys, he came across others like him, creatures that lost everything they had due to others greed. He vowed to protect them, to keep them safe like he did those villagers all those years ago. Born a spirit of vengeance, Cedric the Midnight Specter has found a new calling, a spirit of protection.