Demon Snapdragon



1 year, 2 months ago


Aro Wynn
Demon Name
Demon Snapdragon
AOD31 years old (will say differently, often)
Chain sword
LikesThings that are hard to get
DislikesThings that are easy to get
OccupationChanges constantly


CW: drug ment.

When Aro was little he pushed another child off the slide for hogging it. The other child broke his arm and he tried to implicate Aro, but no one believed him. This made Aro wonder... just how much he would be able to get away with without paying for the consequences?

From that day forward, all Aro ever cared about was tempting fate. This led to gratuitous amounts of pleasure seeking -- from street racing to cliff diving, sex, drugs; everything one could think of and everything in between, Aro has tried at least once. And with every attempt, he only grew hungrier for more. Call it what you will, tickling or chasing the dragon's tail - it was never enough.

It was only a matter of time before he reached criticality.

One night, fooling around with a few people on the balcony and 150mg of ecstasy kicked in, Aro found himself falling to his death from the 9th floor of an apartment -- onto the spiked fencing around the parameter. High as hell, he really only could laugh staring at his heart, impaled 6 inches above his chest, still beating like it had no idea what had befallen its poor host. And as he drifted away with a last, pathetic pulse, he sort of wish he had enough mental capacity left to cover himself up. 

And thus the dragon was slain...

Until Demon Rose's beautiful visage pulled him back from the depths. Not today Satan. ...or very much today, actually, because demons are real. That bit of information sobered him up rather quickly... until he was informed of his new position. He felt giddy again, like the child who got away with all but murder. Besting actual, literal death? Forget a demon, he's a God.


Flighty, irresponsible, and dangerous levels of overconfidence; Aro has the attention span of a fart, here in an instant, gone with the wind in the next, and leaving a wake of destruction for other people to deal with. Contrary to popular belief, he does not like pain, so don't expect any sort of heroic defense - the point is to get close to death, not actually die. (Painfully ironic, all things considered.) Even sober, he has an air of being under the influence. He has a habit of chasing after people he finds interesting, but the second they get attached in return... well, it's onto the next.

image.png(thank u Sel)


† Default demon form is based on a white speedy sonnet snapdragon

† Aro's chain sword is named Ascalon, after the weapon Saint George used to slay the dragon, but he calls it "Ash"

† Ever changing, he will be in a different job and sometimes even a different identity often (complete with terrible accents all around)

† Spends his free time "haunting" the people that abandoned him at the party when they literally watch him fall off the side building 

† Rides a motorcycle coz... duh

† Vape in hand at all times, babby's pacifier (also haha dragon breathing smoke... get it)

Variant List

DefaultDefault5x5, Flower to Flower Communication, Weapon Summoning 
Coming soon...