Coop Flu's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

WillBeRedeemed Global Rules

Right, so! You get a character from me, it's yours. No revokin', no policing how you use it, 'tis yours! I'd prefer it if you didn't remove my art, please! When it comes to my open species adopts when I make them, I would VERY MUCH prefer if you didn't sell the ones I make. You can sell any of the other adopts, but if it's directly from me first, I would like it if they were simply given away, or traded!

My only general request, is that it's not given to @Anxiety_Harbor. You can message me for more info as to why, but I don't feel comfy with them owning any more of my designs, thank you.