Shire's Comments

I’d name him Nathan. I feel like he’d work at a  cafe, serving the customers their drinks and food tiredly. He’s very friendly but looks intimidating due to his lack of sleep. He does have slight anger issues, but he’s working to take care of that. His favorite drink is coffee, his favorite food would be coffee jelly. He loves anything coffee related. He takes naps during his shifts at work whenever he can. He may look lazy, but he’s actually a very hard worker. At night, he works as a vigilante protecting the streets from criminals. His pronouns are He/Him and he sometimes uses They/Them. He takes in strays a lot, giving them a temporary home until he can find them their forever home. He has 3 cats he’s keeping forever. His least favorite food would be soup because he doesn’t like the texture of it. He dislikes loud noises and large crowds as they overstimulate him. He gives kids free cookies at the cafe, paying for them himself. He is actually rich despite how he looks, and he enjoys playing video games on his time off. He acts very tough at times but is a real softy deep down. He’s a single pringle and a very flirty one at that. He is pan and poly. His favorite place besides the cafe, his home and an arcade would be the beach because he finds it peaceful. He loves to watch the sunset and rise. He’s a night owl, which is why he does his vigilante work at night. His weapon of choice is his fists and feet, but if needed he’ll use a knife. He’s rather stubborn and it takes a lot to get him to stop or do something after he set his mind to do something specific. 🥝

They r so cute...... if i were to get him i might name him kiwi 🥝 omg.. or smth else idk yet. Probably cheshire or smth related to that ehe

I have a few cat ear ocs already (none that have ths, i struggle keeping them up-to-date) and in their vague story they r all brothers going on their own adventures due to situations.. he feels like hed be a narcoleptic bartender ... who maybe constantly pushes the empty glasses off the counter in his tiredness, but hasnt been fired yet because hes the only one willing to have such low pay

He probably has fleas.. lil greasy man. He doesnt like showers cuz hes fallen asleep in one before and racked up his hydro bill.. eats instant noodles dry to survive

If i were to give him magiv of some sort (i havent fully figured out the setting of the world.. maybe it changes chr to chr) he would probably be able to make people fall asleep and see/take their dreams. Or control them in their sleep, but he will fall asleep shortly after using his power.. maybe its the only time he can get a proper rest while sleeping, but he will end up sleeping for ages so its not very helpful in dangerous situations

SORRY FOR WRITING SO MUCH 😭😭 I didnt really know how much i should write or what kind of writing u were looking for (backstory, personality, name, etc etc..) so i just kinda rambled for a bit aah