Gray Diarmad



10 months, 29 days ago




Under orders of Director [REDACTED] no one is to view this document under any circumstances.

Special Agent: Gray Diarmad

DOB: March 27th, 1975

Relationship Status: Married

Current Status: Missing (According to the public and remaining family, Agent Gray is to be deceased)


Height: 5 feet and 9 inches

Weight: 198 lbs

Ethnicity: Mixed (English and Native American)

Skin Color: Tanned complexion

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Green

Notable Features: Dennie-Morgan folds beneath both eyes. A scar along the inner palm of the right hand. A 7.4-inch-long birthmark is located on the outer thigh of the left leg. Speaks with a Scottish-American accent.


Gray Diarmad was born to Ash and Eleonore Diarmad on March 27th, 1975 in Ganado, Arizona. During his senior year of high school, he caught the attention of our scouts by creating a [Redacted] program and managing to locate it. He was later offered a position, first as an internship and then as a full-time job. His only condition was that his partner, Kristi Mora, be given the same position in the organization. We accepted the deal in exchange for his notes on [REDACTED] and how he located [REDACTED]. Eventually being placed on Operation D.I.R.E. 

Operation D.I.R.E (Discover Investigate Report and Expose) 

Concluded in 2013 with the disappearances of Special Agents Gray Diarmad and Kristi Mora-Diarmad. DIRE was a lengthy sting operation on various entities within United States jurisdiction that could have been influencing the United States government to turn a blind eye while these entities committed crimes against humanity. After [REDACTED] months, Agents Gray and Kristi were able to gather vital information on several entities. Using the aliases “Sara Leonardson” and “Soloman Becket” respectively, Agents Kristi and Gray managed to infiltrate an entity known as [REDCATED]. Mrs. Leonardson was hired as part of the medical team, while Mr. Becket was hired as janitorial staff. According to Agent Gray's report, on November 30th, Agent Kristi went against the direct orders of the mission and got into a confrontation with [REDACTED]. This confrontation resulted in Mrs. Mora-Diarmad's cover being exposed, leading to her capture. After this event, Special Agent Gray was ordered to abandon the mission and take administrative leave until further notice.

After being put on administrative leave, Mr. Diarmad was planning to hold a funeral for Mrs. Mora-Diarmad on [REDACTED] 2013. It’s claimed that Mrs. Mora-Diarmad had died in a car accident on the 79 Freeway while on her way to the office. On December [REDACTED], the funeral was held and attended by both families. At the time, Gray intended to return to Arizona to live with his brother, sister-in-law, and their two sons, who were staying with Mr. Diarmad during the time the funeral was being held. However, on the night of December 24th, Special Agent Gray Diarmad was seen in his car at 11:25 pm on Highway 68, traveling towards [REDACTED]. Later at 3:39 am, his vehicle was seen exiting off State Highway 33 onto a dirt drive. By this time, any attempted contact with Gray had been ignored. A day later, when the vehicle was recovered by authorities, they found it 1.5 miles from the site of Fortune Laboratories. Inside, they found his phone on the passenger's seat and the keys still in the ignition, the 50 caliber Desert Eagle pistol was no longer in the glove compartment. Later when an interview was conducted with the family, they reported that Gray had been acting distant and in a somewhat dazed state after the funeral was held. At one point, his brother recommended for Gray to seek professional help, but Agent Gray refused due to "budget concerns." It is believed that Special Agent Gray had re-entered [REDACTED] against orders to try and rescue Special Agent Kristi, and failed to do so. The agency decided that the best course of action was to fake Agent Gray's death to the public and the family. It was reported that he had committed suicide by shooting himself through the temple. By order of the standing director, no attempts to investigate [REDACTED] or its allies are to be conducted. Additionally, the directive states that no attempts are to be made to recover Special Agents Gray Diarmad and Kristi Mora-Diarmad.