Violet (Vinny) Tovell



6 years, 9 days ago


One of my first ever OCs ;W;

Some what old and outdated info.
Vinny, once known as Violet was a rich girl spoiled all her life till a few years after highschool ended, she was friends with Blue, Dex and No Name, the four of them were best buds but when Blue went off to College and Dex and No Name were on the run from cops her parents cut her off from their money like cold turkey. They told her she needed to learn to live in the real world but instead of doing that she found a ad in the paper for some Clinical Omega trials, she signed up for as many as she could as they were each worth a decent sum of money she didn't care about side effects she just wanted money and basically threw away the life she once knew the day after all the trials something in her body changed, her blue eyes became purple, an electric blue zig-zagged line came down from her left eye and her body started to shape-shift, at first she couldn't control it but after awhile she learned to control her shape-shifting and started to use it for her own personal gain. She declared Blue, Dex and No Name as well as Omega as her enemies for what all of them did to her.