Delesiend 🔮's Comments

omg i love him!! i read his bio and i can see a lot of thought and love went into his story :) i also love how unique and different his design looks compared to other kitsunes. i am really excited to see how he develops as a character as you flesh him out some more!

Thank you for stopping by :) I do have a more traditional looking kitsune themed character in Takehiko, honestly I just thought the lavender purple for Delesiend looked a lot cuter... lol. But yeah, his development is mostly done, can't write much more about him until I start writing the literature he's involved in ;)

i am so excited for that!! i'll sub to you so i can read them when you upload them :D

I really love this design! Without reading their lore or their species they look like a god! Despite how intimidating they may look at first sight, it threw me off entirely how friendly and loveable they are with people. The lore seems incredible as well in the Profile tab. When I have some more freetime, I'd love to read more in their Story tab! Good luck on this amazing project, maybe I could get into it more when I read up on their story! I'd love to support you with it as well if I do ^^

Thank you so much for the kind words <3 he was a deity in his original concept but as I developed his design and lore it wasn't really adding a whole lot to him so I figure it would be a much better fit to list him as a spectre/ghost. Also i'm glad you enjoy the lore, the profile and personality sections are unfinished but the story tab sorta tells you all you need to know about Delesiend really. Apparently people find it a good read!

I appreciate the support to, it means a lot <3

Awe of course!! I'll def let you know what I think about the rest! I kinda like the idea of them being a ghost as well, so it's a nice change to see x

ok wow, i dont think i have ever seen a kistune with a design like that before! he looks really cool, and after reading his profile im super intruiged on how his thought process led to this form! i really love how you wrote his story too, it was really fun to read, the descriptions and everything were so detailed without being overbearing it was easy to imagine what was going on!

he seems like he would be super fun to hang around with too honestly, id like to vibe with him

Thanks for stopping by! Yeah, he was originally supposed to look more like a traditional kitsune but I played around with some weird colors and found out how much I actually like lavender lmao. I do plan on designing a more traditional looking kitsune character but for now he and Takehiko are what I got. I appreciate your kind words on the writing too... I didn't have much for the profile or personality but I figure the story section says enough about him!

And yeah... he's willing to chill with anyone who gives him the time of day and listens to his nerdy ramblings lol

no problem!! and honestly i love the lavender, it absolutely suits both his design and vibe in my opinion! and that would be really cool, id love to see what you might do! and of course! i agree, and it does well at setting the tone and leaving a lot of ideas open i feel! i literally love how its written, its just so cool!

yes i could listen to him ramble id love that lol