Ivy Fairis



6 years, 9 days ago


Once a Scientist for Omega Ivy was a bright girl from a young age, raised by her parents best friends since her parents died the day she was born, her parents friends raised her as their own since they could not have children of their own. From a young age Ivy was into Science at 14 she caught the eye of Omega by winning her local science fair creating a living goo like matter. Omega put her through the rest of school on scholarships to the best schools in the world of science at 24 she started to work for omega but by 28 her life was gone. Something went wrong while she was working on a prototype of a gun that would use her goo formula, it malfunctioned and the goo attacked her, melding with her body turning her into an unstable gooey matter. She is very aggressive in this state and will consume large amounts of meat to try and stabilise her mass, sometimes humans and she is locked up in the highest level labs Omega has. Before the incident Ivy had somewhat curly red hair, greenish-blue eyes and a birthmark on the bottom left side of her chin she was about 5'4" in height and was very sweet. In her gooey state she has huge black goopy claw like hands, she cannot talk since her voicebox melted away and on her chest there is a melting Omega symbol.