


1 year, 1 month ago



Name Duckfrill
Gender Nonbinary (AMAB)
Rank Herbalist
Clan Archclan
Age 60

STR (2)
DEX (3)
BOT (3)
PER (2)

Duckfrill is a unique individual; a charming if extremely quiet cat. They don't show their care very much in recent days. They are a faithful kind of cat too, who once you gain their trust? They are extremely loyal. However, they are also extremely guarded and if you break that trust? Duck can be extremely vengeful.

They're an easygoing cat for sure; almost to the point of laziness. However, they are an intellegent cat. If only they used it.


This cat comes from a lineage of a kittypet who came to Archclan during the Renaissance. Helping the clan better their cooking and artistic abilities. It's also the explaination for their almost vibrantly blue pelt. While more an incredibly saturated grey? It's still eyecatching no matter. Their folded, slightly floppy ears, are also indicators of this.

They are an extremely long and fluffy cat; known for their cuddles if you get close enough. Their eyes are a seafoam green, and always half open. As if trying to fight off their desire to sleep.


Kithood (0-6)

Duck was born in a single litter to their Zaza Cuttinggale and their mother Mothshiver. They have two older siblings; Sockeye- and Gull-. Their family is a historied one, but in the quieter circles. For their ancestor Sapphireweaver, was a main cog in the renaissance of Archclan. Their eldest siblings handled the carrying of the lineage well, however, Duck always had a hard time owning up to it.

Apprenticehood (6-17)

Their relationship with their Zaza got worse at this point; even though they wanted to become an herbalist like their ancestor. But not all of it was a bad thing; for it was here that Duck first caught eyes on Carrotpaw (soon to become Carrotkiss). It was here that they also met other cats like Pale and Tiger who would become friends and...well...spoilers

They took to their studies with vigor, if a little lax. Eventually working up the courage to graduate at 17 moons. How....bold.

Warriorhood (17-Current)

For the first time in their life, things begin to look up as they grow closer with their friends. But especially with Carrotkiss, who Duck realizes holds their heart. And has since they laid eyes upon her. They grow close enough to at least begin courting, even if they aren't mates yet.

For the first time in their life, things begin to look up as they grow closer with their friends. But especially with Carrotkiss, who Duck realizes holds their heart. And has since they laid eyes upon her. They grow close enough to at least begin courting, even if they aren't mates yet. It's honestly the happiest point of their life. Their parents think of it as one of the best choices they've made. They have friends? Life is good.

And then Umber gets kicked out of the clan for the crime of having one of the most important cats in Duck's eyes. Their parents scream at them to leave the half-cat behind. Duck disowns them. For how could something so sinful create something so wonderful. Carrotkiss' withdrawl stings, but they do everything they can to try and cheer her up. Nothing worked.

And then she was gone in the night.

Their nest is cold. Duck runs to Tiger asking where Carrot went. Tiger ignores them. They go out searching for their love and find...nothing. Nobody. She's gone.

Duck falls into a depressive state so deep it feels like they cannot claw out. Eventually, however, they come back. But they aren't exactly the same as before. Duckfrill has remained a loner for the better part of nearly 28 moons. Brought out slowly by the desire to make the clan perfectly isolated. They hyperfixate on the idea of growing herbs and other items and being self-sufficient from the land around the camp.

Free from the stinging sands of the desert that took everything from them.

Design Notes

  • Made by CRTKitt!!
  • Age at Start of RP: 58m
  • content

  • Duck-Their zaza's favorite bird.
  • -frill Named for their attention to detail. Like adding 'Frills'
code by jiko