


6 years, 21 days ago




Name: Haktate
Affiliation: Hero
Gender: Female
Age: Young Adult
Species: Canine - Husky
Origin: Unknown
Height: 3'2"
Specialty: Flight, Special
Demeanor: Friendly

Haktate is a Husky, born into a family of cryptid hunters, whose bloodline is mixed with a long-extinct mythical species, known as Torkai Wolves.
She has a natural instinct to hunt and kill cryptics, which she must overcome to be with the one she loves, after discovering his cryptid werewolf roots.
She struggles with her killer instinct but, with her love's (Lupus') help, she manages.

Her Torkai Wolf blood allows her to control the ancient Elbrings, magical jeweled rings with ancient emeralds similar to Chaos Emeralds in their centers; which grants her Electrokinetic powers. The Elbrings are thought to be sentient, as they move on their own and can be used as long-distance weapons, with or without command.
Without the Elbrings, she is powerless.

  • Positive - Elegant, Adventurous, Calm, Charismatic, Patient, Fun-loving
  • Negative - Phlegmatic, Naive, Hostile, Secretive, Reactionary, Pompous
  • Neutral - Ambitious, Ascetic, Authoritarian, Complex, Self-conscious, Stylish
Powers and Skills
  • Electrokinesis 
  • Flight 
  • Hoverboarding
  • Making Friends
  • Fun Activities
  • Being Complimented
  • Getting Recognition

Super Forms
  • N/A

  • Power Diverters/Lightning Rod-Like Equipment
        Preventing her from using her electrical abilities effectively.
  • Water
        Becoming waterlogged in lakes, rivers, oceans.
    Heavily wet fur prevents her from controlling the aim of her electrical abilities.
  • High Heat
        Overheats quickly, causing weakness, loss of concentration, and fainting if she can’t cool off.

  • Getting Wet or Dirty Fur
  • Evil in General
  • Eggman
  • Jerks
  • Fame/Credit-Steelers

Weapons and Tools
  • Two Elbrings
        Made of an unknown material, with an orb in the center of each ring. Vivid-violet in color, and encased in gold, jewel bordering on top and bottom, attaching in segments.
    The rings hover around the husky. Even without Haktate’s influence, they will remain in the air.
    Haktate is able to use the rings as if they were an extension of herself, controlling them with ease.



Snow white, long fluffy fur feathering around neck, chest, ears, and tail.


Blue translucent “socks” on feet, ending in a rigid lightning bolt shape at lower legs.
A small single lightning bolt-shaped stripe on each hand, ending at the forearm.
The color of the blue changes depending on the light, becoming lighter or darker in color, but remaining blue.
Similar marking at the underside of the tail, ending at the tip.

While in Flight:

A light, transparent, flame-like, blue aura forms around the Husky’s hands and feet, her eye’s gain luminescence.


Electrical Insulated Edgy Moto Boots, black base, dark gray hills and straps.


Electrical Insulated Black Gloves, with blue electronic bands on wrists, showing the time.

Extras Info:  


Sonic Universe RP

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Super Sonic World RP

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Planet Mobius

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