


10 months, 10 days ago



Merry-Go-Round of Life
Joe Hisaishi
1:16 3:11

"Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown."

A bat-Like being, vampiric in nature, with an intimidating appearance and emotionless gaze. As the years have passed, he has grown tired of his immortality.


Full Name: Lord Demetrios, a.k.a. Lord Dmitri

Nicknames: Ruler of Beasts, Hermit King, Mimi, Bat, Batman, Button

Gender & Pronouns: Male, he/him

Sexuality: Bisexual

Species: Vampiric being, descendant of the

Age: Immortal, has been visiting the mortal plane for over 4000 years of its existence. Time works differently in his realm. (Looks to be in his 40s)

  • Fruits (especially oranges)
  • Victorian formal attire
  • Sleeping/nighttime/dark
  • Reading novels
  • Alone time
  • Cleaning/orginization
  • Rich foods
  • Parties
  • Being prodded at
  • Loud noises
  • Bright lights/sun/fire
  • Small talk with strangers
  • Gaudy clothes
  • Getting dirty

O years! and age! farewell:

Lawful Neutral | INTJ | Cancer | The Emperor
Sentimental Melancholy Reserved

To strangers, the man is detatched and forboding. His tone is cold, with a face that gives away no emotion. Even though his visage is stoney, he does not go so far as to speak in a needlessly cruel manner, and is respectful to those he meets.

To those that are closer with Dmitri know that this hardhearted appearance is the conglomeration of hidden emotions and his lack of social skills, and underneath it all is a man whom time has mellowed. When he first met mortals, he saw them as lesser beings, but has softened quite a bit and would now much rather choose mercy. He's a bit of a romantic, and while a terrible flirt, enjoys spending his days with a companion. He is also an extreme workaholic who will dive into anything that he picks up with his full attention.

  • Has deuteranopia color blindness (type of red-green color blindness), but is able to see pretty well in the dark.
  • During one of his first visits to the mortal realm, he was given the name 'Demetrios' by humans, which means follower of Demeter, for the young ones love of the foods grown there. It has stuck since, and he still uses a derivative of it when introducing himself, though rarely the name in full.
  • Rarely goes barefooted, if relaxing wears socks or slippers.

Behold I go,

7′1″ | Mesomorph | Modest

Bat Form: A giant, strange beast that looks akin to a bat, with some characteristics that might be attributed to more draconic entities. It is like a bat wyvern of sorts.

Humanoid Form: A towering figure compared to many humanoids, standing at 7'1", Dmitri's giant leathery wings give a recognizable silhouette. He has dark skin and somewhat long blackish brown hair that he has yet to be able to tame, to his dismay. Two large bat-like ears sit atop his head. On his stomach is some noticable scarring. His eyes are a bright yellow that shine in the night. Creases line areas of his face and he has a strong jaw. He has two long retractable fangs. Depending on his mood, his physical attributes can take a change, wether that be a more monsterous form or something that is more human like.

Attire: When in humanoid form, Dmitri prefers to wear strictly formal attire, usually in darker colors. Draped over his is a long hooded cloak that can be used to cover his wings when needed and has a multitude of secret pockets to carry trinkets and other things.

  • A bag of herbs given by Mikhail.
  • A giant greatsword he was gifted that is able to change its weapon type and size, with the ability to overpower other beings if ones will is strong enough. He usually prefers to use magic as his main source of offence.
  • Ring of many keys to who knows where

Where I do know

The past and the present...

The realm that Dmitri was born in is an endless grey desert of ash. No sun shines over the land, instead a moon that never moves in a cloudy, starless black sky. Its surface is dotted in white trees with no leaves and rocky configurations. Wicked souls, wether that be those of the cursed or those who have tainted minds, often find their way to these lands when they pass on. These souls take the forms of monsters and roam the lands until they are killed, and the physical forms are returned to the ash. Dmitri is unsure where the souls go next, but he assumes that they travel to an afterlife of some kind. This plane is often refered to as Ashen.

'The Spire', as it has been named, is a towering, thin rock structure with a multitude of holes in it that lead to a series of caves that are much, much larger than should be possible for what the structure appears to be on the outside. It is one of the many mountainous rocks that are within his home realm. It is a maze of sorts that the unknowing would get easily lost in, but to Dmitri and his family, it could be traversed with their eyes closed. Using these tunnels, the residents are able to exit into caves that exist within other realms, this being how they travel. The further one gets into the tunnels and pathways, the more that the rocky caves look more like rooms, until it eventually leads to the interior of a castle. Dmitri's room and study within the spire are filled with the findings of his travels, a vast collection that he takes pride in. Somehow he keeps it dust free.

Dmitri's mother had brought back a vampire from the mortal plane to the grey desert, who became the father of Dmitri. As a child he would visit the other realms often with his mother, learning about the world beyond his dead and dreary home, and this habit of traveling continued on as he grew. Dmitri had never thought twice about his bloodthirsty mother, though decided to leave the spire after his mother ate his own father, believing that she might try to do the same to him.

He traveled to live with a vampire named Ambrose, who was one of his fathers good friends, and within the dusty wizard tower that Ambrose lived within Dmitri learned to hone the art of magic. There he met a cleric named Naya, and fell in love, marrying her. He lived with Naya until she died of old age, leaving Dmitri heartbroken and lost in a world that had seemed to lose a little of its light. He ended up going back to traveling the world aimlessly for some time, without much purpose, until he started working as a mage for a vampiric court. A studious man, he rose the ranks and became the right hand of the reigning king, Vincent. When the monarch became violent, he was taken out of his position, and Dmitri took the throne, feeling that none of the next in line were ready for the role. For many years Dmitri reigned as king, gaining a pact-maker and helping fellow rulers, but the position chipped away at what humanity that he had.

Dmitri eventually gave the position back to the rightful family of the throne, returning to his homeland. There he found what once was his mother had turned into an abomination due to her hunger for immortal flesh. Challenging his mother, he used the magic prowress that he had gained to kill her, ending her spree of bloodshed. Since she had been the matriarch of The Spire, Dmitri's victory meant that he now owned the structure. He has been living there since and connecting with his other family members again. He still visits the other realms, wether that be because of his pact or for his owns reasons, though has distanst himself some from mortals once more.

Infinity to dwell.

Friends and foes...

Ambrose (Father Figure): "An eccentric man, though one of the only whom I trust."

Ivan (Frenemy/Pact-Maker): "I have spent many days with bumbling idiots, clueless nobles, fanatics, vile men, and all sorts of horrendous life. And yet nobody has been able to annoy me as much as Ivanushka has. Congradulations."

Naya (Deceased Wife): "Light of a life that was one mine, the years she was here hold no pain in my memories."

Mikhail (Companion): "I relied on him when I was alone with my thoughts. He was pained. I wish I could have taken it away from him."

Derpor (Like Family): "Always welcome when he needs respite."

Howl (Deceased Cousin): "We were not the closest, but I know what became of him was undeserved."

Saoirse, The Red Queen (Respected Mutual): "I hold no ill will for her trying to take the territory I once resided in, for in some ways, I had done the same to its last rulers. A confident leader, I hope to see what becomes of the kingdom she will remake."

Ezri (Past Friend/New Penpal): "Ambrose wasn't very fond of him, though this is not the Ezri that either of us remember."

I'lveta (Ex): "A dangerous woman, though I wish her well in whatever realm she is ruling now."


Vincent (Past Employer/Crush): "I looked up to him. That was before he turned his back on his family and me."

Grief (Deceased Enemy): "A stain upon the kingdom that he brought pain upon, I am more than pleased he has been taken care of."