Lemon Laced Zircon



10 months, 15 days ago


Lemon Laced Zircon



Gem Placement

Upper Chest

Era Made

Era 2


Desk Agent



MoHs Scale




The poor sap of a Zircon whose life has been nothing but a rollercoaster. Forming into the Budding Domain, he was supposed to be a defense lawyer and that would be the end of that. However, one fateful day he was defending a pearl owned by a Peridot fusion and in the middle of that trial, the pearl grabbed him and ran. Verdant Vine was her name, a headstrong pearl that dragged him along into the depths of the Eden Faction. Within the Faction the duo were quickly swept up into different sections, Lemon was carted off to the Puppet Section to his dismay. His time in the puppet section is a blur as he became a puppet to the diamond of the section, leaving purple splotches on his form. Though, yet again it was Verdant Vine to the “rescue”, sweeping Lemon off his feet once more and this time along a series of crime sprees against both the Eden Faction and the Empire. By the time they were caught by the Empire, Lemon was a mess. After all was said and done, he was bound in chains and placed under the watch of Loveless Rose Zircon. Now he simply works as a desk agent, but if fate respects itself, Verdant will come get him sometime soon.

Maybe Verdant's ready for another wild ride...

- Lemon Laced Zircon

The Sunrise Court


  • The cracks in his glasses are permanent, they are effects from the sudden breaking of the purple diamond who controlled him for a while.
  • He would have been shattered if it wasn’t for Pure Jubilee Diamond’s mercy towards Zircons.
  • He does have an office, but it’s basically an old broom closet that Loveless Rose will stop by every so often and drop off mountains of paperwork for him.
  • There is little hope that Lemon could ever get his rank back, so he’s quietly hoping that Verdant will show up soon.