


6 years, 9 days ago


MoonChild is an exiled Fairy who lost her wings using human magic as she was bored of Fairy magic but human magic is dangerous to fairies.
The other fairies warned her if she did not stop using it they would exile her, she didn't stop and they kept to their word, they banished her from the forest where they lived. After being banished basically she used her magic more and more which was already unstable but became more unstable as she increased how much she used it to cope with being alone now.
Because of how much she used the human magic her wings ended up wilting away leaving ugly scars in their place. She ended up making herself human size and as a side effect of that her hands transformed to blue claw like hands, her hair became a mix of blue and a peachy colour and she ended up with heterochromia eyes that match her hair she gave herself the puff-balls on her head as a way to light up the night.
She met a Batgirl named Bella, they became friends and through Bella she met Penelope. She like to go by Ooo or Moon and is about 5'4" she likes to make others smile, most fairies will see the scars on her back from where her wings were and shun her like her village did but there are some who accept her for her and will hang around her and watch her do magic.