Rue Amane



11 months, 1 day ago


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Full Name: Ruka "Rue" Amane
Pronouns: He/Him
Orientation: Queer
Age: 26
Species: Viera
God ruined his life. He does not remember her name but she is the reason his mother is dead. She is the cause of the wound in his abdomen that always aches. Rue was raised in Toku, a village along the Gensui chain in Yanxia. It was safe and self-sufficient, keeping it closed off from other villages in the area. There he was raised by his mother, Chie. He was raised close to the Fujitani family. Velvet is like an older sibling to him. The Amanes come from a line of Black Mages but Chie was never able to harness the power from the family stone so she magicked without it, Spending her time honing the skills she knew and studying the notes left by her own mother. The study unfortunately began to corrupt her being, making her incredibly sick. Around this time the crops in Toku started to fail, and animals became ill and died. Many concluded that these were related to Chie and she and Rue were shunned. The council by which Toku was run began to panic as the village was struck with famine they couldn't seem to grasp. They began plans to reach out to other villages in the chain but a smooth-talking ascian convinced them otherwise. God was angry, She had seen what Toku was like and She didn't like what She saw. Prayer and worship won't be enough, She demands a vessel. Chie knew something was going to happen to her, whether it was because of the council or her corroding mind, she above all needed to keep Rue safe, She put him into the Fujitani's care, promising she'd be back with him soon, She was pronounced dead a week later due to a failed ritual. It doesn't take long for the council's attention to turn to Chie’s only child, Rue.
•His pets•
•Alone Time•
•Skimpy Outfits•
•Loud Spaces•
•Wet Feet•
•His village, Toku•
•Natural rushing water•
•Wanted in Kugane for several counts of assault and manslaughter
•Sews in his free time
•Still goes to Velvet, (his sibling) for comfort
•While a Warrior of Light, hehas never heard Hydalyn's voice like others do
•Is actively trying to be kinder to people(failing)
•Is so very sweet with his niece but is embaressed about it
•He seems intimidating because he is but also because he's autistic and shy (hates people)
Design notes:
•He's 6'8
•Wears goth fashion, likes furs, lace and harnesses
•From Yanxia and occasionally can be seen in kimono at special events
•Becomes overcome with yellow eyes and his face is inpercievable when God is present
•Enjoys red, purple, black, and white
•Wears gold jewelry exclusively
•Enjoys looking sexy and evil
•Blood is an accesory and he's very generous with it