


10 months, 29 days ago


『 General Info 』

Name: Jurel Devoe


Age: 27

Gender: Male (he/him)

Sexuality: Aromantic, Asexual

Height: 6’ 03” / 191 cm

Weight: N/A

Birthday: October 19th (Libra)

Species: Human

Ethnicity: White (French, British)

Occupation: Professional musician and composer

『 Appearance 』

Jurel has shoulder-length black hair and amber eyes that can appear yellow or brown based on the lighting.

He wears monochromatic clothing, with a preference for suits, dress shirts, and overall formal wear.

『 Personality 』


Lawful evil

On first impression, Jurel is nothing but a gentleman. He’s kind, proper, formal, talented; everything that you could think up to make the definition of gentleman.

However, that’s not completely him. He’s incredibly picky with who can be around him. If someone he likes is talking to him, he is kind. If it’s someone he’s not fond of, he can be incredibly rude and arrogant, but will still cover it with a smile.

When it comes to people that like him romantically however... well, let’s just say you wouldn’t want to.

。。。◇ •  •  •


Classical music, rock music, suits and formal wear, dark colors, monochrome, silence, efficient people, people who have knowledge of music, coffee


Rap music, bright colors, loud annoyances, gossip, inefficiency, paparazzi, those people who just like him for his looks, sweet things


Mysophobia - fear of germs, microorganisms, and dirt


Practicing music, composing music, listening to new music, sitting in silence to relax


To have a major impact on the music industry


Mother - Deceased

Father - Deceased

Relationship status


Love interest

None, and never will be

『 Fun facts 』

~ He was deemed highly intelligent, and, when tested, found to have an IQ of 170. Though he may be smart, he doesn’t have an interest in much more than music.

~ He claims to be “married to his music.”

~ His favorite go-to instrument may be piano, but he can play most other instruments as well. He has a love for the low sound of the bass guitar, and likes to play it casually when he’s not doing anything.

~ When it comes to the supernatural and religion, he’s a skeptic and an atheist.

~ When it comes to memories that stand out for him, he likes to look back on his concert performances. The feeling of everyone they’re listening to—his—music intently makes him happy.

~ If he doesn’t know someone’s name, he will tend to address them as sir or ma’am.

~ He's slightly germaphobic, and will often go through lengths to prevent getting his hands dirty. 

『 Back story 』

Jurel was raised in an incredibly strict household as an only child. Many of the things he was raised on impacted his view on life today, including his intellect and talent.

After high school, he entered into a college of music, where he studied multiple instruments and musical composition. After graduation, he began to tour, gaining reputation as a classical musician.

After touring for months, he began to hear things about himself. It began to seem as if a lot of people were interested in his looks, and attended his concerts to see him. At first, he was flattered, but it got old really fast.

There’s been a myth going around about a piece of music that can cause physical damage to those who listen to it. Everyone believed it a complete and utter myth, but when Jurel found the piece written in an unnatural substance, he knew he had to play it... But he had no idea how much he was going to love it...

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