


11 months, 2 days ago

Basic Info







Mulberry is a shiny glaceon, and as surprising as this may sound, he is not a grass-ice hybrid! He is the son of Litsune, and Link, the trainer, has always had a big love for glaceons, so she evolved all the offspring that Litsune had, into Glaceons. Mulberry was, hovewer, hatched with a disability; Blindness. So when using his moves, he has no idea who he's targeting them on. He just did as Link said, and prayed that he attacked the right oponent. He always hads a very bushy tail, in the colour of a black and pink mulberry, so he was named after that. As ironic as this is, he does not like mulberries, and would rather munch on lapapa or petaya berries. Nowadays, Link barely uses him in battle, but does take him out occasionally, because he has a very good move for money: Pay day. Mulberry feels bad when he is taken out, just to get Link some money, but he doesn't protest. He is happy to be in the box with all his siblings, and is good friends with Greyson, even if he has no idea how they look like. He is great at memorising scents and voices, and despite his blindness, is quite capable on his own. Regardless of that, there is always some pokemon that follows him around, to be sure that something bad doesn't happen to him.

Though his tail looks chewy and yummy, it's not truly a mulberry, and is just a very fluffy tail. He isn't completely useless, despite his blindness. His trainer puts him on a lot of "quests" and missions. He is quite great at guiding lost Pokemon through blizzards, and successfully keeps them by wrapping his tail around them. Many wonder how he's such a awesome blizzard-guider, even with his blindness, and with the fact that you can hardly smell anything in a blizzard- the answe is simple though; the feeling of someone being around, greatly helps him with finding the lost ones. He always allows the stressed Pokemon to have a nibble of his tail, as a stress-relief. It's weird and a bit painful, but Mulberry would do anything to bring them home calm and hopeful.