Barry Buttons



10 months, 13 days ago





"Though he may be soft-spoken and mostly introverted, don’t let the local seamster fool you! Barry Buttons is Welcome Home’s most nervous, yet jolly, neighbor! Where there’s a rip or a tear, Barry will be there to patch it up, but if you had to ask him? Writing is his real passion. You won’t have to pay for any sewing touch ups — just give his latest draft a read and you’ll be free of charge!"

Through uncovered scripts, it was revealed that Barry moved to home as a young man to continue on with his parent’s clothing business, and that he learned the trade at a very young age, with a recurring joke of him sewing some sort of apparel for himself as a child, i.e. sewing his very first bib before breakfast or fixing a tear on a beloved stuffed animal at nap time. While he obliged in carrying on the family business, it was stated multiple times that Barry instead wished to be a writer, with a similar running joke as before, but replaced with writing-related gags.

Barry was a side character of sorts in Home, appearing much less frequently than his fellow neighbors. However, it is noted in multiple sources and in illustrated materials that Barry can be just as rowdy and fun-loving as his neighbors, even on par with Julie or Barnaby. It would often take some convincing, but as written on merchandise, once Barry was started there was no stopping. One of his most notable features was in a health and safety themed episode that centered mostly around Poppy and her ever-present nervousness and fretting, where Barry would attempt to reassure her about getting stitches, but only ends up making her more afraid. In the end he teams up with the rest of the neighborhood to help Poppy feel safer and calmer in the event of an injury. In all illustrated media uncovered so far Barry held either a sewing needle or a quill pen, and occasionally would be depicted with one of Eddie’s letters or wearing a brooch of a bug on his shirt, noted often as a gift from Frank.

Concept artwork showed that Barry was a live-hand puppet, and recently uncovered production notes indicate that his hair was made of a thick and curled yarn that was prone to falling out and needing to be replaced frequently, ironically not being sewn in tightly enough. As well, Barry’s eyes were shown on that concept artwork to be simple pin pricks when his glasses were removed, despite being completely visible when they were on. This is believed to have also been part of a running gag, but no currently known scripts support this at this point.
