Teddy Ribasso



10 months, 29 days ago


Teddy Ribasso


Name Teddy
Called Ted,Tedbear
Age 20
Pronouns she/her
Species Demon (greed)
Role hitman/assasin?
username TedBear
Theme Song link


  • dry
  • quiet
  • cocky


  • pearls
  • neutral colors
  • iced coffee

Teddy is a very quiet girl, she’s not exactly social, and when she is she’s very dry, and sometimes rude. She’s very confident, she’s good at what she does and she knows it, what does she do? She’s a great assassin, but she only uses her abilities to help her dad. She lives for approval and loves it when she gets a chance to be validated. Teddy has a hard time making and keeping friends, she’s very forgetful about others, but she’s started trying harder to maintain relationships. She knows she’s pretty, but she’s very oblivious to when people are flirting or attracted to her.


"I am an heiress, please call me Paris"


Teddys mom died at her birth, which led her to be raised by her dad and “uncle”, she’s a Siena native but unlike the other youth, did not go to Public schools. Teddy was homeschooled and taught to take over her dads company when she’s older. Teddy has always hated attention which is not really a good thing to hate when you’re the daughter of a infamous man. Teddys dad is extremely rich, and that was the environment Teddy was raised in, somehow, as she got older, she didn’t become spoiled, instead she became more invested in the family business for better or for worse


Teddy is naturally able to turn invisible, this is by command or by pure instinct, if Teddy feels insecure or in danger she will turn invisible, she will also turn articles of clothing and objects invisible with her if it’s touching her skin, Teddy also has some medical skills as she helps Abaddon patch up his cheek wounds when converting back into his human form


  • Teddy sleeps in teddy bear pajamas
  • Teddy clothes are custom made by fashion designer Rorimi Fox
  • Teddys voice is sort of monotone
  • Teddy daydreams about having a boyfriend a lot then gets embarrassed by her own mental scenarios
  • Teddy is super quiet, to the point of being able to sneak around effortlessly, funnily enough, this makes her a living jumpscare of sorts



Abaddon [ father ]

Teddy loves her dad, they are often told they look extremely similar, sometimes they clash, but make up almost instantly


Kessho [ one sided rivalry ]

Kessho absolutely hates Teddy, Teddy barely acknowledges his existence which probably fuels the fire more, but it’s probably got to do with money and looks


??? [ relationship ]
