Basic Info


Hana (she/they)


Pacifistic and religious angel magician who tries her best to make the world a better place.


Peaceful, gentle, protective, uses her magic to stop fights and generally do good



Hana was born in heaven despite only being half angel, and grew up with the angel's strict rules and ideals. They taught her to love peace and kindness which she now tries to spread herself.

She is an orphan, but considers the angels her family because they are her guiding light whenever she needs them. She would do anything to protect them.


Hana is filled with light, pacifism and kindness towards everyone she meets. She forbids herself from every hurting anyone on purpose, and does her best to improve the lives of people around her.

Despite being generally pacifistic, Hana will still use spells against people.The spells she uses, however, are designed to trap them in place, or deter any dark energies in an attempt to stop people from fighting.

Hana deeply believes in the guiding light, which is a religion sometimes taught among angels. She believes that the guiding light will one day bring everyone together, and eliminate wars. She hopes to see the day where demons and dark things have turned their eyes towards the light as well, and are saved by it.

  • Hana has wings and bunny ears due to her half-angel heritage
  • Hana usually carries a cross with her that she can use as an amplifier for her spells
  • The cross, the sun and light in general are associated with the religion surrounding the guiding light
  • Hana know how to exorcise evil spirits and demons from people's minds