


9 months, 11 days ago


March 22, 2017

Name: Lars

Age: 100 years old | 18 human years

Gender: Male | Can be seen as no gender

Height: 5’8

Species: Other

Griffin Mother - Alligator Father

House: Sirius

Major: Aqua  Minor: Somnium

Weapon: Collar

  “Mist Screen” 

        Can control forms of h2o; rain, mist, water in the air. To create like a spray like mist to project images, ideas, and like a movie to surround the target in a different world.

    Currently Lars powers can not go beyond a foot away. Also they can only make the illusion last for a few seconds and if they go over five minutes they will have the symptoms as if they have heat stroke and will need to rest. Like it’s name it is only a mist screen and it is easily just to walk through it. It can only be used on one side of the mist like projecting a movie.

Liquid Copy

    Can create things out of the water and make them look real sort of like a h2o ditto.

    Right now they can only create small items and creatures. Like worms, snails, flies, and miniature versions of other items. The amount of water they can morph is what they can fit in their cup palm. If they look away from the water they are controlling or their concentration is pulled away from it- the morphed image will fail and it will lose it’s form.


    - Lazy - Sensitive - Territorial - Dominant/Controlling  

    = Courage - Protective -  Free-spirited - Opportunistic

    • Dreamer - Resilient - Passionate - Determined

Keen to learn but is lazy about keeping up a good routine. Likes to wait until the last possible moment to finish something. This isn’t on purpose and they are called a procrastinator. When it comes to something they really like they will not stop until it is finished, even if they run into an obstacle. They will fight through it until they finish their goal. Others may see this as being too pushy or controlling when they are on one of their focused modes. They start to become short sighted-like tunnel vision and will forget about their surroundings and other people around them. That were their bad habits start to show but with every bad habit there is a good side.

They might appear to be mean or cold, lazy, and protective to a point that you face an wild animal but after you get to know to them, they are passionate about what they likes, ideals, and interests. They can talk for hours about what their hobbies. They like to hear from the people he cares about so he can get their thoughts on it-if they don’t like they will be sad and pout for a few days. They are a dreamer and will appear to be in their own world half the time. Always thinking about


  • Water
  • Swimming
  • Being Clean
  • Family
  • Stockings
  • Frilly and Cute things
  • Hats
  • Heights


  • Extreme Weather
  • Bitter Food
  • Getting messy or sticky
  • Powers not listening to him
  • Being teased about his small wings
  • Being pushed to do something


Griffins have always been viewed as royal creatures as well as mythical. Their legendary status started many years ago when kings and kingdoms used their image on their crest. At this time they are still not in danger of inbreeding and there was many different bloodlines. They had been free creatures; allowed to fly free through the sky, and allowed to roam on the land until kings wanted to capture them for pets. Any kingdom with a griffin quickly became seen by rival kingdoms and people to be the most powerful and safest kingdom to be in.

After the medieval era; Griffins started to become scarce from not being able to leave to a breeding ground or leave their ‘owners’ side for fear of losing power of the people. So their numbers fell down so low that they became a legend and rare to see by humans. Letting the griffins to escape their capturers and go into hiding. While in hiding their bloodline started to become thin and in the last few hundred years the remaining griffins had to breed with other animals to bring in new genes to their bloodline for fear of ruining or having young that were cursed from inbreeding. Causing them to have young that had different animals elements than just lion and eagle. In the case of Lars; he has an alligator father and a griffin mother.

A few years before Lars was born, his parents took over an old castle were an old royal family used to own. They took human forms to blend in with humans for safety and to hide themselves from hunters who wanted to capture and own a griffin for status. Lars grew up with two other siblings who were considered to be griffins and not mutated. Lars is still viewed as a griffin but he is a sub-category and is still viewed as a mythical creature-still a royal one as well. So Lars grew up in a large home, loving family, and had their own kind of magic. Griffin hybrids are seen as very special because their magic is always unique to the animal they are related to.

Lars was sent to the magical school because he kept making a mess. He couldn’t control his powers at all and would soak everything. So his parents searched for a school that would encourage their child to perfect his skill and control his magic.

Extra Information:

  • Loves anything cute and with frills
  • Loves Flowers - Greenery
  • Roars when mad or angry
  • Can see at night and underwater
  • Has a strong sense of honor
  • Loves to make things for his friends (Like little notes or cards)
  • A strong swimmer; swims like an alligator.
  • Wings are still growing. |They are too small to fly and keeps them hidden.