


10 months, 14 days ago


 There is a harsh difference between appearance and reality. Look at me and see the contrast. 

Blossomfur is a gentle and friendly warrior, and many view her as the motherly type. She tends to be very lady-like in the traditional sense, and can come off a bit prude-ish for the young and wild. Every word is thought-out and she certainly isn't known for getting in trouble. She is disdainful of rule breaking, although that... really isn't the case. Her sweet and by the books appearance is quite the act and hides a strong-willed personality that comes off more as a rebelious older sister than a traditional housewife.

Able to hold her own, Blossomfur is a capable warrior who knows her worth. With a will of steel and a fearlessness that has been ingrained in her bones, she looks at the challenges before her and smiles.

27 Moons
May 26th, 2021
limiting traits
stats sheet

Old Soul

Adds +2 to wisdom. Experiencing empathy.

Skill Name

Skill description here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas facilisis ex quis enim condimentum, vulputate elementum lacus viverra.

Skill Name

Skill description here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas facilisis ex quis enim condimentum, vulputate elementum lacus viverra.


TW: Neglect, verbal abuse

Blossomkit was born alongside her sister, Lilykit, to Wheatclaw and Leopardsnap. From the start, things had always been tense. Leopardsnap, Blossomkit's mother, was a rogue who joined the clan after the fire in the twoleg place drove her out. To prove herself, Leopardsnap had been ruthless and cunning to ensure she had a spot in the clan- for her, that meant participating in killing off Moleclan and then having kits that would one day do the same. Leopardsnap only partnered with Wheatclaw, a strong pure-blooded Viperclan warrior, to fulfil her wish to have the perfect Viperclan family. Wheatclaw was not the victim in the relationship, either, as he was never helpful and when he was around the two often fought. The two were never compatable, and only ever remembered their kits when it was to use them as leverage.

With the fighting, Blossomkit retreated inwards and tried her best to not cause any fuss, lest Leopardsnap turn her ire at their father on her. Lilykit, meanwhile, compensated by being loud and boisterous, parroting their mother and becoming her echo. Where Blossomkit did her best to be useful, Lilykit did her best to imitate Leopardsnap and in doing so, often dragged her sister along. Leopardsnap enjoyed having a mini version of her, especially since Lilykit showed to be a natural at reflecting what Leopardsnap viewed as the perfect Viperclan warrior. A cunning leader, strong in battle, and unwilling to let others walk over her. Blossomkit was the opposite. A follower who tried her best to not rock the boat, someone who would roll over easily- just like Moleclan. It wasn't hard for Leopardsnap to choose a favorite.

Lilykit grew into a bully quite quickly, and her attitude had the other kits disliking her greatly. Unfortunately, this meant Blossomkit was her only friend, and by proxy that meant the other kits disliked her as well. Leopardsnap just rattled off that the other kits were jealous, and Lilykit ate it up. Leopardsnap also told Blossomkit she had a duty to be Lilykit's friend, and Wheatclaw was nowhere to be found to challenge this. Soon enough, the other kits made rumors about the sisters, although Lilykit soon became an undesireable target considering if she heard about it she would cause a massive, annoying scene. Blossomkit was a much easier target. After the events involving Crowclan's fire and their arcane-touched warrior, those rumors soon turned to whispers that Blossomkit was like Them.

Leopardsnap, being a massive narcissist and diva, had never liked the arcane-touched, they took away attention. Besides that, the majority of the clan didn't like them, and she had to keep her reputation. That said, as soon as word got to her that Blossomkit was rumored to be arcane-touched, she practically disowned her. Disowning probably would have been better, considering Blossomkit was then belittled and used to boost Lilykit's ego by pushing her down further. Every time Blossomkit attempted to stand up for herself, Leopardsnap and Lilykit were there to tear her down. Blossomkit wasn't as pretty, she took after her no-good father. Blossomkit was just like those stupid arcane-touched cats, she was trouble waiting to happen. It went on.

Throughout everything, no one came to Blossomkit's defense. While the clan was there as a safety net, she unfortunately slipped through due to the chaos Viperclan was in with their situation. The war with Moleclan, missing a leader with nine lives, and whatever was going on with Camasthorn and the Healer succession had the clan missing what was happening. With no one on her side, Blossomkit went into her apprenticeship thinking she wasn't worth anyone's time unless it was to berate her.


TW: Death, violence

Blossompaw was given to Scythetail, a rogue-turned-warrior who joined the clan a bit before Leopardsnap. The tom was on the older side and had more abitions than what should be considered healthy. He saw the clans as a means to obtain power over others, and this reflected on Blossompaw. Right from the get-go, he made it extremely clear that his word was law and to disobey him was equal to betraying Viperclan. Blossompaw, seeing as she only wanted to be the best warrior possible for Viperclan, immediately fell into line.

Scythetail was a demanding mentor, and Blossompaw was constantly up and doing things. Dawn patrol, hunting, dusk patrol, training. She rarely had time to herself, and even then that alone time was typically spent with Lilypaw. Lilypaw didn't change one bit as the two went into their apprenticeships, and her mentor, Whisperthroat, didn't do anything to curb it. If anything, he exacerbated the behavior by inflating her ego and sense of importance. Blossompaw, dealing with that, still managed to make a friend, though. Scythetail's son, Venompaw, was charismatic and didn't mind Blossompaw's quiet nature. The two got along extremely well, and he brought out parts of Blossompaw that she didn't think she had.

With Venompaw as her best friend, Blossompaw grew in confidence. While not nearly enough to considering speaking up against Leopardsnap or Scythetail, it was enough to improve her basic skills simply by believing in herself. Sparring was more fluid, she brought home more catches, and she was less skitish as the border. In turn, Blossompaw curbed Venompaw's hot-headed nature, and he got into less trouble. She also challenged him on things, and he had to rethink things before acting. They got along like a house on fire, and Lilypaw grew extremely jealous. The fact that Blossompaw, who was lower than dirt, had a best friend while Lilypaw didn't was absurd, and she decided to do something about it.

Occuring just before Adderpetal's ascention to leadership, Blossompaw and the other apprentices had been grouped together for an evaluation. Because they were the same age, being siblings, Blossompaw and Lilypaw were paired together for sparring. With both her mentor and Venompaw watching, Blossompaw was determined to make a good impression. Lilypaw, meanwhile, was planning to humliate her sister. The spar quickly turned into an actual fight, as Lilypaw ruthlessly did everything to slam Blossompaw into the muddy ground. Every time Blossompaw dodged or got a hit in, Lilypaw responded by trying even harder. It ended when Lilypaw unsheathed her claws out of frustration, and she left a massive gash on Blossompaw's flank. The mentors dragged them apart, and Venompaw escorted Blossompaw to the Healer's den.

After this, Adderstar gained her lives and appointed Camasthorn as her deputy. This enraged Scythetail, as he wanted the leadership position and thought the way the ranks were chosen was unfair. He pushed Blossompaw even further in her training, and when it was announced Viperclan was to ambush Moleclan, he put the apprentice on the front line. Going into the battle, Blossompaw was determined to show her worth, and due to growing up on Leopardsnap's words and Scythetail's teachings, she believed the only way to do this was through killing enemy warriors. In the battle, she took the life of a Moleclan apprentice, Sandpaw, and helped Venompaw gravely injure a warrior, Oakthorn. During the battle, Blossompaw ended up near her mother, Leopardsnap. The she-cat was losing to a massive Moleclan warrior, and was pinned. Blossompaw took a step forward to help, but she didn't go any further. She watched as her mother lost her life in that battle, and didn't mourn.

Time moved, and Blossompaw grew into a fine warrior-to-be. She participated in multiple border skirmishes, and participated in multiple patrols to attempt tracking down the wandering Moleclan scents. After Leopardsnap's death, Lilypaw had no one to back her up, and she rarely spoke to Blossompaw. Venompaw, two moons older, became a warrior by the name of Venomfang. Blossompaw continued to be with Venomfang after his ceremony, and many cats assumed the two were courting at that point. Blossompaw didn't mind- the idea of spending forever with him wasn't bad, and he was her best friend.


TW: Abuse

Blossompaw passed her warrior assessment with good remarks from Scythetail, a rare occurance and a victory. She was named Blossomfur alongside Lilypaw becoming Lilysnap. Immediately after being named a warrior, Venomfang asked Blossomfur to be his mate. She said yes, and it was exactly like a fairytale ending for her. Overcome her wicked mother and sister, go through a grueling middle part and overcome it, then get the guy. While Venomfang was far from perfect, he had a manipulative streak a mile long and a tendency to be less than morally commendable, he was sweet to her. Blossomfur was more than happy, unaware that Lilysnap still held a massive grudge.

Some moons passed, and unknown to Blossomfur, Lilysnap planned to take away everything. Around their 17th moon, Lilysnap put forth her plan. Going up to Venomfang, she casually mentioned some things that had the tom questioning Blossomfur's loyalty. This went on, eventually coming to a head that had him confronting Blossomfur. She had been unaware of Lilysnap's actions and Venomfang's doubts, so this caught her severely off guard. Surprised, she was immediately on the defensive and the two had a massive fight. In the end, neither decided to speak and took time to cool off.

When Blossomfur and Venomfang came back to speak, things had already been ruined. Blossomfur couldn't get past the accusations thrown her way, and Venomfang knew he was in the wrong but refused to admit to it. They parted, much to Lilysnap's delight. Blossomfur moved her nest away, and the two never spoke much after that beyond what was necessary to work together when on patrol. They both still held feelings for each other, but it would never be the same type of love they had.

After the fight, Blossomfur didn't try her luck with any other toms, despite being regarded as pretty and kind. She loved Venomfang too much to enter any other relationship, but just as much her love had been ruined by the betrayal she felt when he accused her of cheating. This love wouldn't return, but a new kind sprouted during a harsh winter that occured while she was patroling. She found two kits. The pair were barely two moons by anyone's guess, and she took them back to the clan's camp. There, it was decided the clan would keep them, and Blossomfur stepped up to be known as their mother. She knew what it was like to be a kit with no one to stand up for them, and she wouldn't allow these two to experience the same.

She named the kits Shiverkit and Nettlekit, and loved them dearly. While she couldn't provide milk, she hunted for the queen who offered to help. Blossomfur raised the two with a kind paw, refusing to let anyone question their parentage- she was their mother. End of story. She wasn't always there for when cats muttered that they were outsiders, but she tried her best to instill confidence in who they were. As the war with Moleclan finally ended, Primstar giving up the remaining territory, Blossomfur did not participate in the claiming of the new territory. She stayed with her kits, but was glad for the new hunting grounds.

After Shiverpaw and Nettlepaw were given their mentors, Blossomfur returned to full duty. One of her first things she did upon returning was attend the Gathering. There, Silverpelt came down from the stars, causing chaos. Cats experienced visions and many passed out, but Blossomfur was not among them. She had never been one to believe in Starclan, and it seemed the stars didn't care to change her mind one-on-one. Rattled, she helped to bring cats back to camp.

base color
pale yellow
secondary color
strawberry blonde
lynx point
body type
lithe, long-limbed

  • Her scrunchie is not optional!
  • The design is symmetrical.
  • Her pony falls past the bottom of her chest when standing.
  • Super smooth and sleek fur.

  • Personality

    Clever, flexible, observant, patient, resourceful

    Determined, maternal, quiet, unambitious

    Aimless, conformist, hesitant, reactive, repressed



Blossomfur is completely loyal to the clan and their beliefs. She balks at the idea of abandoning it or going against what is best for the clan.

Her son, she is extremely proud of him. She is also fiercely protective.

Write about the relationship here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio.

Write about the relationship here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio.

  • She is afraid of Starclan and the Afterlife.
  • She has a good opinion about outsiders.
  • She wishes Entities weren't real.
  • She is on the fence about Arcane-touched cats.
  • Bisexual, biromantic with a preference for males.
  • Find her playlist  here 
  • .

: Her kits, sparring, morning patrols, running

: Lilysnap, bringing up the past, emotional conflict


Wheatclaw | Viperclan | Deceased


Leopardsnap | Viperclan | Deceased


Lilysnap | Viperclan | Alive


Shiverpaw | Viperclan | Alive [PC]


Nettlepaw | Viperclan | Alive [PC]


Scythetail | Viperclan | Alive


Venomfang | Viperclan | Alive

Simple Kittypet Cosmetic


This item seems to be a bright pink scrunchie. It is commonly used to tie up hair or as an accessory on someone's wrist. It doesn't seem to provide any stat bonuses.

Extra Character Slot


This item lets you have another character in the same clan. This also means you have twice as much work during clan-wide rps.

Item Name


Item description here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas facilisis ex quis enim condimentum, vulputate elementum lacus viverra.

Item Name


Item description here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas facilisis ex quis enim condimentum, vulputate elementum lacus viverra.