Gerzwald's Comments

Oh my gosh! You weren’t kidding with “the guy ever” name. They are just the most intriguing fella! :0

I’d absolutely love for a chance to give this lad a home! He’s like a huddle of goop that gained a conscious. And maybe he’s wearing a suit to help with traveling around. One that supposedly has a friendly face so he can seem “normal.” Ooh maybe the suit can have somewhat a mind of its own as well! As in its expression (or eyes) shifts a little to show some emotion, but the smile would stay permanently.

He’d certainly make quite the friend for Canine! Or maybe even a friend for Little Meow Meow! ^^

Thank you for the opportunity! And have a swell week! :]

Thank you so much! I’ll take care of them the best I can! And I hope you have a swell week! :D

Omg they're like a dynamic trio! X3 They seem like goofy little fellas with a weirdcore/liminal space vibe, I would love to adopt them!