[ F2U ] dex info's Comments

Heya, how do you add links to the evolution texts?

Thanks for making this! Been looking for a code like this for my fakemon, I haven't been bothered to edit one yet so this is perfect!

Thank you so much for making this!! I've been looking for a layout that is more technical like what a serebii pokemon profile would include and less like a wiki page out of bulbapedia   

you're so welcome! i was looking for the same thing and since i couldn't find it i was like "yknow what might as well just do it myself" hahaha

Just wanted to pop in and show you what I did with this so far. I added in separate tab entries for multiple evo stages (you click on the different pmd icons to change which one), as well as added an about section for stuff like personality and story info


oh that looks so cool! i love what you've done with it hehehe