Diane McCathy



6 years, 3 months ago


The Ultimate Pop Star, Diane's work of music is heard by billions of people around the world. But her stage self couldn't have been farther from her actual self.

Diane looks down on other people, believing they will listen to whatever she says without questioning it. She tends to take credit for something even if she wasn't the original creator of that idea. She also has an ego the size of Mount Everest, and as a result is very stubborn  and almost impossible to persuade, even when she know she's wrong. Not  only that, she is very cold towards others dying or getting hurt, saying  they should've been smarter about their decisions. While she likes to seek the truth, she is not above lying. If she feels the total truth would make her look bad, she would try to bend it in such a way that she doesn't look bad in front of others.

Now, how did she learn this?

 Diane's musical career had a quite simple beginning: She first  tried it out at an elementary school talent show, where she did a solo cover of her favorite song at the time, A Great Big World's "Say Something". Least to say, she did so well that the other competitors didn't stand a chance, and she won the talent show in a landslide. Over time, she strayed away from doing covers, and wrote her own music. Her music exploded in popularity, mainly because she did what most pop stars at the time never did: she actually took the time to write unique lyrics, which made her much more appealing to the general audience than most singers  at the time. As she continued to make music, her popularity skyrocketed.  But, then there was an incident that would forever change her view on people. While on a talk show almost a year ago, she said some extremely controversial things regarding political issue, which was then clipped out of context and was reported by multiple news outlets, who did not  hesitate to call her nasty things, like a white supremacist and  homophobic (which she wasn't). Then, the internet, and moreover her social media accounts were overwhelmed with people calling her these  exact same things, while her fans defended her, neither side knowing the full story. Luckily, the entire show was revealed, and upon seeing the  context of what she said, The stories were retracted, and the writers of  the articles apologized, which lead to another boom in popularity come her next album. But the damage had already been done. Upon seeing how  blindly people reacted to the situation, she couldn't exactly view  people the same way again.

18/5'9"/125 lbs./A