Dylan Celrah



6 years, 15 days ago

Basic Info

Age, birthday and zodiac

22, 1.8.2283, Leo








Panromantic asexual

Significant other



Divorced parents and a big brother Liam. Later on he will have two daughters with his future wife.

Physical description

175 cm/5'9'' tall man, good basic fit. Dylan has a warm colored skin tone with freckles, short, brown and curly hair and green eyes. He has a labret piercing and both of his ears are pierced.



Dylan is a very warm and caring person. He loves to help and guide people, inspire and encourage them to do what they want to and to achieve their goals. You could say that he is a natural leader as he likes to bring people together, and wants to lead the way for a better future for everybody. He doesn't mind being in the center of the attention, in fact, he loves to be with people and socialize, and becomes lonely very easily if he doesn't have company.
Dylan is a calm and collected nature, who is hard to annoy or piss off. He deals with everything calmly and appropriately as he thinks that unnecessary yelling and fighting won't solve anything.

Dylan gets attached to people very easily and learns to trust others sometimes a bit too easily. He's a very selfless person, which can come to a fault as he always puts others before himself, often to a point where he forgets about his own well-being, life and his own problems. He's ready to save and help others with the cost of hurting himself. The fact that Dylan becomes attached to people very easily doesn't help his overly selfless nature at all, as he gets really invested in people's lives when he becomes attached to them.
Dylan is also a very stubborn person, because when he sets his mind on something, there's no way you're gonna change his mind. If he decides to do something or help someone, he's gonna do it no matter what other may think or say: he does whatever feels right for him.