Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

aaayee finally got account warnings set up (finger guns)

My profile contains triggering content of varying degrees. Post featuring such content are individually labelled to match their respective material. I'd be here all day if I listed out all the stuff on my profile right here.

You ship real people. Shipping characters played by live actors is fine, but "shipping" actual living breathing human beings shows me you lack the ability to comprehend personal boundaries. 
You insert your religious/non-religious beliefs onto others. If you pester me or others for not believing in your religion, I think you're a loser, and vice versa; if you jump on religious people (yes, even christians/believers in christ) for just existing then I'd prefer not to interact with you.
You publicly blacklist people for blocking you. If you blast people for blocking you and "not giving you a reason", you're not welcome on my account. It once again shows a lack of understanding personal boundaries, and I don't fw that.
You are uncomfortable with nudity. As of 2023-2025 I am still a minor. This account does not home any kind of pornographic content, however I may have some (tame) suggestive drawings, anatomical nudity, artistic nudity, and most commonly; barbie doll nudity (nudity without the inclusion of genitals). ALL images featuring such are tagged appropriately.

With that being said, this DNI isn't 100% concrete. I don't go out searching for these people and blocking them, nor do I ever really care (except for when it comes to discriminators like racists and transphobes). If you fall under any of these categories you're okay to lightly interact, ie. purchase my adopts or engage in trades or whatnot (again, unless you're a discriminator), but that'll be the extend of our interaction pretty much.

Character Content Warning

This character profile has been marked with a content warning:

eye imagery

insect character

demon character

apocalyptic setting

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