Moa Toad



10 months, 18 days ago


There is no winter without snow, no spring without sunshine, and no happiness without companions
December 21st
Lawful Good
  • Winter
  • Snow
  • Make Snowmans
  • Ice Skating
  • Baking
  • Cooking
  • Snow Angels
  • Snow Aniamls
  • Adventuring
  • Exploring
  • Snowball Fights
  • Winter Clothing
  • Christmas
  • Exploring in the winter night
  • Cold Weather
  • Ice Cubs
  • ice Cream
  • Protecting Her Girlfriend
  • Summer
  • Hot Weather
  • Sweathing
  • Playing in the summer
  • Seeing her snowman melt
  • Bad Weather
  • Seening her bunny hurt
  • Bad Weather
  • Getting Sick

Moa is a very fun toad, she love doing playing all kinds of fun stuff. She is very fun to have around. Especially in the winter time. As a fun toad, she love going on adventures. When she goes on adventures. alot of people, want her to be part of their team. Because she is just so fun to have around, other people. During adventures. While she is on her adevenurs. She love walking fast. To visit new areas. She also finds things really fast. She can easily get it. Even while she jumps. Because she is quick on reaching an apple. While on her adventures. She isn't selfish, she love letting people go with her. During her winter addvenurs. As a advenurs toad, she is selfless. She even, likes to help an animal in need. Or a person. She gets very cusurn. When something is wrong with the animals and people. She even waits for the parmatics. To arrive. Before she continues on her adventures. While she is out adventuring, she can pretty much cook, some good food. She even cooks for the people she is worried about. To make sure, they get a nice and warm meal. During winter, she even feed wild animals. She does keep her distance. From them. While she put the food out. Since Wild animals can be very dangers. She also love baking, she love baking cookies and all kinds of pretty cakes. She mostly makes those kind of desserts. On the Holidays. She even goes to Christmas parties. To bake for all the kids. As a holiday treat. She also love studding, all kinds of different combinations. For her cakes and cookies. To try something new mix together. She just love studding all kinds of different cookies and cakes. While she is cooking, she is very focus, on her goodies. She doesn't want to mess up her goodies. She does make the pretties cakes. And while she isn't baking or on advenurs. She sits down and relax, playing video games. She love playing Mario games. Because they have all kinds of winter levels. She does love winter theme worlds or course.

Extra Information: Moa was born in the winter, she was born 4 days before Christmas. She would of been born in January. But they had to take her. due to her mother being sicking, while carrying her. Moa really loves winter. She love ice skating. on a ice pond or river. During the winter. She love playing in the snow. She mostly plays in the snow with her friends. Her most favorite about snow. That she can make snow angels. And make Snowman. She really doesn't like the Summer. It's just too hot for her. But on rare occasions. She does go swimming. Because it reminds her of now, that melts into water. In the winter. She bakes all kinds of winter theme dessert. She makes it very pretty. And during the winter, she love getting her slid. And slide down a hill. And during the night in winter, she does go outside. To watch the aurora lights. (She live in iceland BTW) And she also love winter animals. During the winter, she love the arctic hare. It's some kind of pet bunny she have. (He's a fuzzy animal BTW) She does all kind of winter fun stuff with her bunny. It may be winter, but she love flying in the snow. As a advenurs toad, she mostly does her advenurs. During the winter season.

  • List triva facts or notes here
  • She loves Winter
  • She dosen't like Summer
  • She love baking and cooking
  • She have wings
  • She Goes Swimming on rare occasions
  • She love going on adventurs, during the winter
  • She love exploring in the winter night
  • She lives in Iceland
  • She visits her girlfriend, during vactions
  • She have a artic hare as a pet




Mora, is the girlfriend of Moa. They meet a long time ago. While Moa was playing in the snow. The poor yoshi was really cold.



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Replace the "relationship" on top with what type of relationship they have (friend, sibling, rival, etc). Use the number of hearts to indicate relationship strength. Write a small summary of the relationship here.