Anngah Troile



6 years, 8 days ago


Changed her design a bit from the original one I bought, oof.

She's great.

Basic Information:

Name: Aangah Troile
Species: Troll
Gender: Female
Age: 7.5
Moon: Prospit
Fetch Modus: Weighing Scale
Strife Specibus: Knifekind
Game Entry Item: A gavel
Server Player: Kahryl
Client Player: Tavion
Title: Rogue of Breath
Medium: Land of Steam and Feathers
Denizen: Ra

Specific Information: 

Blood color: Teal
Symbol: Justice
Lusus: Giant Magpie
Ancestor: The Inquisitor
Hive: Basic condo on the lawer side of town.
Horns: Both short but the right has an arrow at the end.
Trolltag: CorvidsBane
Quirk: All capitol Rs and Ws with a < at the beginning of the message
Matesprit: None
Kismesis: None
Moirail: Tavion
Auspistice: None


Biggest goal: To find a purpose in life other than being a failing lawer for doomed midbloods
Greatest fear: Being completely alone
Greatest strength: Logical thinking and quick wits that enable her to easily bullshit her way out of practically any situation
Greatest weakness: Her need to impress everyone.
Are they more aggressive, assertive, or passive?: Assertive
Are they emotional or stoic?: Emotional
Which do they trust more, their head or their heart?: Heart
Are they an introvert or extrovert?: Introvert