ᡣ𐭩 Camellia



9 months, 29 days ago

Basic Info

obtained via: purchase
BV: $70
comm worth: $140
CV (including personal art): $265



If it's loving that you want, then you should make me your girl!

Camellia 22 07/12 female she/her human heterosexual surfer single $210

A country gal who moved to the west coast! Used to live in Texas, but now lives in California. She's a surfer girl who loves the ocean and beach.


Camellia is a very sweet and kind person. She's very outgoing and extroverted and loves meeting new people and making new friends! She can be very gullible and naive when it comes to things she has no knowledge in. She doesn't get embarrassed very easily and doesn't usually get shy (unless she's around someone she has a HUGE crush on). She usually never gets angry, and when she does, she keeps it to herself or doesn't let anyone see it. She has a very positive attitude and mindset and likes to see the best in everyone/everything.

  • dogs
  • watermelon
  • the sea
  • flowers
  • friends
  • surfing
  • rain
  • content
  • content
  • content
  • content
  • content

Camellia was born and raised in Texas. Her family owned a barn and she spent most of her days there, taking care of the animals and helping with chores. She was always a very active kid and was very energetic. Living out on the countryside, Camellia didn't have many friends or people she could hang out with.

Camellia grew very fond of the beach and ocean when she went on a family trip to the beach for the first time. She became obsessed with the sea and loved swimming. She started getting into surfing after seeing others surfing at the beach and wanted to get into it.

  • her hair is usually pretty tangled
  • has a slight southern accent (not as prominent now since she's been living in cali for a while)
  • has a seashell collection
  • is a huge dog person
  • puns are her favorite kind of joke
  • likes to wear bold makeup, usually makes sure that her freckles show
  • loves wearing a bunch of bracelets
  • usually wears bright colors
  • has freckles on her cheeks, shoulders, chest, and knees
  • has stars in her eyes
  • has long, wavy hair that fades into a teal blue
  • pretty tan from being out in the sun all the time

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras iaculis turpis a sem ornare, at posuere neque fringilla. Ut lobortis aliquam pellentesque. Praesent ullamcorper suscipit elit eget condimentum. Quisque feugiat tincidunt urna et viverra. Curabitur convallis vestibulum metus, id luctus velit. Etiam ornare finibus nisl, eu tempus est luctus a. Pellentesque ut risus feugiat, fermentum turpis a, hendrerit quam. In volutpat mollis venenatis. Fusce eget metus tellus.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras iaculis turpis a sem ornare, at posuere neque fringilla. Ut lobortis aliquam pellentesque. Praesent ullamcorper suscipit elit eget condimentum. Quisque feugiat tincidunt urna et viverra. Curabitur convallis vestibulum metus, id luctus velit. Etiam ornare finibus nisl, eu tempus est luctus a. Pellentesque ut risus feugiat, fermentum turpis a, hendrerit quam. In volutpat mollis venenatis. Fusce eget metus tellus.