Marcelline (Cendrillon)


Basic Info


The Idol

Magic Type



Character Information: As Cendrillon, Marcy becomes a charismatic and delicate fairytale princess who supports her team with healing magic and a soothing aura.

Design Notes: 

  • Magical form - Cendrillon wears light purple lipstick and eyeshadow,  and has a slight blush rather than Marcy's pallid complexion. There's a  huge white bow on the back of her dress. Her skirt is made up of many  layers of frills.

Abilities and Skills:

  • Alter Reality – In both her mundane and magical forms, Marcy has a  slight control over reality. She can use this to move small objects,  open or close doors, brighten or dim light, and increase or decrease the  sound of her voice. Sometimes this power backfires on her, causing  headaches or nosebleeds.
  • Healing Wind - As Cendrillon, she can send out waves of healing to cure both physical and mental damage.
  • Summon Spear - As Cendrillon, she can manifest a magical spear to fight with.