Auroras (#163)'s Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Midetta Global Rules
Midetta's Rules for Adopts/Trades - Do not resell/trade for more than you acquired them for unless art was added to the character. (either drawn yourself or commissioned. It's just morally wrong) - If the character was acquired for free or game currency please only keep them as trade only or the bought currency you used. You are free to Retrade them if this is the case! - If the character is bought with IRL currency (GPB£ OR USD$) you may resell them if they've had further art made of them! If no, do not sell for more than you paid for. -Do not edit the original art at all and in order to alter the character to your wishes. Please commission someone to draw it for you with those changes, or draw/colour the changes to your own art/bases. It's disrespectful to the artists if done without their consent!