


10 months, 30 days ago


Name 》Raijin (the Japanese god of thunder, lighting, and rain) Gender 》male Age 》1070 years old. Species 》 veidriki. Voice claim 》 n/a. Residence 》a lone, large tropical island, stranded away in the middle of an ocean. although the place is beautiful and plentiful in flora and fauna, the storms are frequent. Habitat 》he often resides in a cave upon the highest peak of the island. Description 》this tall, large dragon is no dragon capable of camoflauge. his colors shift at almost every second, ranging from reds, oranges, tans, browns, and blacks. his eyes also shift in color, similar to his scales he possesses all of the mutations that his rare species can possess. ( game terms, double legendary, 5/5 mutations. eclipse element. ) this dragon shows the ability of creating thunderstorms that he can easily manipulate, sparking his breath and his scales in elecriticty and able to control the power at will. his large and extensively wide wings allow for easy flight and fast movement. Behavior 》know indominus rex from jurassic world? exactly that. having grown isolated on the island, he is completely unaware of his part in the food chain and attempts to find out by killing everything he sees. he despises anything that proposes him and uses his electric abilities to his advantage. one person, however, has managed to tame him. she frequently visits his island and takes flights with him throughout the several continents of the mythical world.