Lil Peep's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

phasmophobia Global Rules

very flexible with my designs! do whatever u want basically (within reason), these are just super basic "rules". blocked users may obtain my designs, but blacklisted users may not. thank u!

you may sell/trade my designs whenever, sell designs you recieved in a trade for as much as you think is fair, redesign as long as they're recognizable, and sell physical merch of the designs. 

you may not draw over my art, use my designs for problematic material (feral porn, noncon, incest etc) or sell for WAY over their worth (ie: selling a design worth $5 for $60)

BLACKLISTED USERS MAY NOT RECIEVE MY DESIGNS! do not gift, trade or sell my designs to them at all, thank you !


• PSEUDOSAVIOR / deadgirlTV / caffeyeen / anyone in that sparkledog twitter group - zoophilia / feral porn

• jsims - personal

• HAZWAT - feral porn, exposing minors to NSFW spaces

• killercvts / 3oh3 - enabling feral porn (see above), scamming, oc theft

• pvppy2K - feral porn, character theft, etc (beware here), they also asked for a ping on my main fursona (quinn) that I have explicitly stated was not UFO as well as offering on one of my ocs that was clearly not for sale lol

• RadianceMutt - seemingly got upset because I didn't authorize them; was extremely rude when I said I was not comfortable authorizing a NSFW artist because I'm a minor & wanted to respect their profile warning