Yura Aleifsson



11 months, 2 days ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Yura Aleifsson




5'7" / 170 cm


160 lbs / 72.5 kg



Fur Color


Wolf Size

30 inches at shoulder / 5'7" length



Carrying the remainder of the Aliefsson clan's energy and optimism, Yura carries herself in defiance of the tragedy that has repeatedly engulfed her family time and time again. Taking a somewhat unconventional role for someone of such a traditional indigenous background, Yura handles most of the machining and repair of the Blackwood clan's machines and vehicles. A self-taught technician, Yura's days are often spent in her workshop recycling scrap and processing the raw resulting materials into usable parts the family can't either afford or get their hands on. Unlike her grandfather and little brother, Yura was somewhat blessed with a lack of conscious memory regarding the night of her clan's tragic downfall, unable to remember much more than a blur. Despite this, she does at times find herself in a cold sweat seemingly locked in deja vu when subjected to certain smells, lending itself to her bad habit of keeping strong-smelling liquors stocked in her cabinet. In opposition of these rare moments, Yura is very health conscious and is constantly caring for her grandfather and little brother and also chastising them about their unhealthy habits. During her jaunts into town for parts or business, it's not uncommon for Yura to spend the night and come back with some tale of a romantic endeavor she gossips to Caroline and the girls of the family about. Despite the picture this paints of her, Yura is actually a large believer in properly paced romance and is constantly looking for the kind of man that'll prove themselves as dependable to the family as she is. 


Magni: Much to his chagrin, Magni is often subject to Yura's constant doting, with her often making sure he's not overexerting himself outside and is keeping his health in check. Were any other members of the family to try, Magni would be much more stubborn, but he cannot resist his granddaughters care. In a lot of ways, Yura is responsible for her grandfather's excellent condition despite his being over 70 winters old. She looks up to her grandfather a lot and often seeks his opinion on daily issues, which unfortunately often confuse him, coming from a very different walk of life than she does. The two can often be found together napping on the family couch or working on restoring an old keepsake, which Magni proudly displays on the door to his room.

Atka: In defiance of the usual physical distance between each other, nobody means more to Yura than her little brother Atka and she is constantly trying to get him to return to the family and settle down with someone that'll help him break out of the shell that he's grown since their family tragedy. That aside, the two share an extremely close bond with each other and Yura diligently keeps up with him weekly, ensuring he's actually taking proper care of himself and keeping himself from trouble. Yura does has some inkling that her brother is involved in something dangerous, and that it has something to do with his miniature fued with their grandfather, but she attempts to respect his privacy as much as it might unnerve her. In secret, Yura does have a small collection of firearms she keeps locked in a safe underneath one of the sliding cabinets specifically in case Atka ever gets into trouble, but she dreads the day she'd have to use any of them.

Caroline: Following Yura's entry into the extended Blackwood family, the two shared a very similar temperament, with Yura stuck in a state of semi-shock for a few months before she was able to work through the mostly subconscious scarring left from the loss of her family. In a way, Yura began to look up to Caroline a bit due to her ability to keep dealing with her own issues despite the hardship they provided. Following this, she's somewhat adopted Caroline as a little sister and often teases her about her relationship with Blake, joking that she'll steal his heart if Caroline doesn't put a ring on his finger fast enough.

Newt: While they may not have many moments together, Yura finds Newts endeavors to keep following his dream endearing, especially in that neither have any natural predisposition to their work, only able to excel through hard work and effort. She often lets him explore around her workshop and use the tools there for his own needs, albeit heavily supervised.

Blake: Owing to their similar skillsets, Blake and Yura are business partners regarding their efforts to keep the Blackwood family and their allies properly stocked when it comes to the sparse technology they require for a comfortable life. Somewhat irresponsibly, she can't help but tease Blake and Caroline for their obvious interest in another and constantly attempts to push the two together under the (completely false) guise that if Caroline doesn't, she'll start making moves herself.


March 15th, 1980 – Magnhildr’s son Akiak courts Nasamiituuq (Blossom) of the Aningan clad on werewolves  near the Atlin/Áa Tlein Téix̱'I natural reserve and produces his first child, a girl named Yura (Beautiful).

April 26th, 1982 – Akiak and Nasami produce a second child,  a son named Atka (Guardian Spirit).

November-December 1999 – An  unidentified group of Vampires massacre the Aningan group of Werewolves, leaving only Magnhildr and his two Grandchildren, Atka and Yura as survivors. Magnhildr drags his grandchildren dozens of miles  South-West before encountering the Blackwood clan. He initially only  asks the clan leader, Cyrus, for a spot of land nearby to build a small  cabin himself, but is refused. He is petitioned to join the pack proper  in return for his still great physical strength, which he accepts in order to provide safety for his Grandchildren in his increasing age.