

10 months, 18 days ago


denvur might be the hardest guy to mess with in all of D.T.. you could find it endearing how much of a headache he is, but you really have got to try. not to say his character is lame, i'm just saying if you were there, with him, it'd be tough to stick around. WHAT I'M SAYING IS the dude is kind of a turd, but because he's trying to be nice and "save the world", he gets some sort of potential future character development pass. hurray, denvur.

he used to bro out with ella until it got topsy-turvy 'cause denvur felt obligated to ask ella out because he's a guy, she's a girl, blah blah blah. ella rejected him and he spiraled and fell down some misogynistic, alpha male rabbit hole.

after his soul gets stolen by jack, begs ella to help him convince other people about jack's existence AND soul stealing, 'cause they're way more likely to believe her over him, the power of friendship seeps into his spiky heart... he realizes he should probably stop being a major sexist asshole.


  • into osteology and taxidermy.
  • his favorite color is red.