Tek's Comments

I can do art or u can lmk if anyone in my th interested u:o

AAA HELLO?? this design is adorable!!

 I would name her Tek and my headcannon for her would be that at night, when she can’t sleep, she goes outside and doodles constellations she sees!

i can offer 3 pieces of art - you can choose the style!!

Omg imagine she doodle that big ass pan constellation on the sky. Anyway before i accept this instead of making art would u do like an custom instead?(One or two of those) if one ill like to have an fandom oc of this hehe https://musedash.fandom.com/wiki/Muse_Dash

In like this style hehe ty🙇🙇 https://toyhou.se/19569724.art-examples#65693056

Yea!! I can do a custom, however, I am not familiar with the fandom so I dont know much! You can explain what you want here or in dms! ^^

Anyone in my th?

Id like to name them Calypso or Lorelei id like to imagine her bedroom would have balcony with the view of the sea while her bedroom would be themed as beach x cinnamoroll from sanrio, her fav character lol,she collects sea shells but her fav ones are the shells that makes music, def would collect alot of cinnamoroll figures etc in her room!! Considering her house is a beach house that is next to the beach and I'd like to imagine her curtains would be mostly those sparkly transparent curtians with multiple colors and her lights would be jellyfishes!! Her fav food is shrimp,squid,sushi, but she basically  likes anything  but those are her main faves! She would play the sea shells that can play music during night time cause she finds it magical bc the shore would glow green and cyan and when u kick the sand it would glow blue and while the sky exposes the galaxies looks

( sorry if this is like a whole paragraph  but this is litterly how i see the oc lol )

ackk they’re adorable <33

i would probably name her kora or something starting with a k! she looks like the kind of person that has to set five alarms to wake up in the morning, and she probably owns a nintendo 3ds and plays acnl a lot

can i offer 4 chibis for them? :0 i have some example in the spoiler! they are traditional drawings but i can also do digital!

sorry that they’re sideways! i don’t know how to fix it :’D


this one is a small chibi!


this one is a tall chibi!

hhrgggrr scrunkllee... foams.. name would be muni.. they would eat ice straight up in any weather leading to them always being sick (idiot!!!) they also have a warrior cats hyperfixation and draws their fursona 24/7 >.<

name would be Miint, hc: definitely has a switch with acnh, sdv, and splatoon!

Her name would be Kokofish and she would eat grilled fish laying upside down on a cliff

Also she would love eating tayikaki (the japanese fish) and she would be a japanese tsundere girl

Or her name could be Tuna

i can offer a headshot or half body