Lucy van der Linde



10 months, 22 days ago


Lucy van der Linde

Nickname/Alias: Lucy Blackwell, Lexis May, Blaire Rose, Jamie Ross, Lucky Lucy, She-Devil (Chapter 6/ Butcher Creek), The Devil’s Rose (End of Chapter 6 - Onward)

Gender: Cis Female

Age: 17 > 25 > 29

Birthdate: October 30th, 1882

Height: 5’’

Weight: 90lbs

Eyes: Green

Hair: Black

Occupation:  Gunslinger, Bounty Hunter, Stablehand (temporary), Industrialist (1911)

Affiliation: Van der Linde gang, Guarma Rebels (temporary), Valentine Stables (temporary), Black Rose Industries (1911, company head) 

Honor: Above average

Voice Claim: Elizabeth Daily (Tommy Pickles, Buttercup, but more specifically Prairie Dog’s tone from RoTMNT)

Weapon(s): Bolt Action Rifle, Schofield Revolver, Pump-Action Shotgun, Throwing Knives, Bow (hunting and stealth), Semi-Automatic Pistol (1911)


Growing up with mostly men, Lucy had adapted to the lifestyle of such- going out, doing the hunting or fishing, dressing the part, certain mannerisms..but thanks to Grimshaw, she does have some ladylike manners…some. She prefers getting down and dirty, doing the heavy lifting, drinking, smoking, rather than staying behind and doing chores, mending or cooking. Very rarely will she ever be seen in a full woman’s attire.

When going out into public, she takes on various aliases and pretends she’s a male, usually by the name Blaire Rose. The world doesn’t know she’s the child of Dutch van der Linde, they don’t know he even had one to begin with and her face is very well not known to the public. She prefers to keep it that way but it won’t be for much longer…sometimes she’ll get dressed as a lady, going by Lexis May, but that’s usually if she’s up to something or trying to get information. She’ll wear hair extensions and makeup, especially to hide her scar.

For the most part, Lucy is typically a calm and collected individual who doesn’t let much get passed her nerves. Years of traveling and of robbing, stealing, and killing has hardened her mind enough to be able to carry on in her way of life. She typically works independently or with a select few such as Arthur, Dutch, Hosea, or Charles. Working independently means she doesn’t have to split profits with anyone else other than provide the gang’s slice. However, Lucy does have a good heart and can be kind when she wants to. But she’s an Outlaw, unofficially as she has yet to have her face seen (it will happen soon), a killer, a thief, gunslinger…. and she knows what her life entails and what her inevitable fate will be one day, so she keeps most of her relationships at a distance with the exception of a select few.

Lucy is sharp minded and often takes time to reflect on what’s to come and what could be avoided. She’s always putting the safety of others before herself and always worrying about her father and the stress he’s constantly put under, either by the Pinketons, constant need of funds, keeping the gang together, and more.  

However around her horse, Ginger, is when she can really let her guard down, always keeping her brushed and taken care of. She’s known Ginger ever since she was a foal, after her mother’s death when she was four. Lucy had been in a state of shock as she witnessed the murder take place in front of her...when Ginger came into her life, Lucy found comfort and happiness after such trauma, it was the first time in a long while that she truly smiled.

She absolutely hates the city, prefers the open plains. She hates how loud and overly polluted the city is, how crammed the buildings are…but, more importantly, she hates the city kids who constantly bully and harass her for being different. (more on that when I get to writing out the Saint Dennis chapter)

 Her personality takes many turns as her own guilt, depression, and mental health spiral drastically as the everything around her gets more hectic. She makes plenty of hasty or wild decisions, mostly out of hatred, some she regrets, some she does not. (will update more when Beaver Hollow is done)


Acting/Traps- Ever since she was little, Lucy can play the part of a helpless girl very well, usually in order to trap targets into an ambush or robbery with someone watching her back or she’ll have her own weapon ready. Learning from the best, Hosea, she knows how to put on a convincing act as well as disguise herself in the public eye. With the right words, body language, and outfits, Lucy can fool just about anyone.

Journaling- She was inspired by Arthur to try to carry and keep up with a personal journal, although she addresses them as letters to her mother in hopes that she can see what she’s been up to whether good, bad, or just plain ugly. For the most part, it helps her unwind and relax.

Reading/Stories- Reading and listening to campfire stories has always been a favorite pastime. A lot of the times, she enjoyed listening to her father read or preach about Evelyn Miller and his work, although she wouldn’t understand most of it. But she would find books with she was little and ask him to read them to her or ask to hear stories about him or her mother, or about anything. Hosea would always tell the best ones, funny ones…but Lucy also enjoys listening to past experiences or silly nonsense from Uncle. She was more into fiction than anything. Her favorite book is The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.



Arthur Morgan - Brother figure/ closest friend, She’s known him since she was a baby and has always seen him as her older brother. In recent years, she’s much closer to him than anyone else. She enjoys hunting and bounty hunting with him, as well as performing some robberies. If she needs to vent and especially when she can’t do it with her father, she goes to Arthur, especially in the later half. 

Dutch van der Linde - Father - She refers to him as Dutch in public. She has a good relationship with him…for the most part. But he worries her, Lucy can’t help it. She’s always trying to make him proud of her, which she does whenever her own plans succeed and brings in a lot of money. Their relationship takes a very wide turn much later, Lucy is afraid for him, but she can never bring herself to hate him. (Will Update after Beaver Hollow)

Hosea Matthews - Uncle- Lucy always looks to him for guidance and help with her acting. He taught her to read, write. She loves listening and watching him act out stories over the fire or when putting on an act. If Arthur’s not around, she’ll talk with him, he stays positive, but stays realistic

Annabelle - Mother - Deceased (Will update when Clemen’s Point chapter out)

Nick Ellis (OC) - Friend- Future Spouse, Lucy meets Nick in Valentine, charismatic as all hell but a heart of gold. Nick is a traveling doctor, often helping those in need and always checking up on them after. He operates free of charge, usually making money through some hunting or working stables. He dislikes people needing to pay in order to be helped when they need it. His father is a doctor in Rhodes but he refused to take over because of his views.

He tries to help Lucy in investigating the Valentine doctor’s office, only to end up getting taken to the O’Driscoll hideout in the north. They pretended to be new members, but Colm saw right through Lucy, who kept her as bait for Dutch. Nick they let stay, believing he was a member. Colm leaves and later Arthur and a few others from the gang arrive to help a severely injured Lucy, who begs them to take Nick with them for his safety as he had a major target on his head for helping them. Thus, he became a member of the Van der Linde gang and their medic, making it easier to get medical attention. He and Dutch have similar views about the world, so he was easily welcomed. 

Nick and Lucy go through a lot of hell and back, but ultimately fall in love..Lucy does not like it, she’s feels guilty for dragging him into her own affairs, she even tries to turn herself in for him to escape, he gets the money but takes her back to the camp with him. Even when she’s at her lowest, he helps pick her back up.

Arthur Ellis (OC) - Future Son (Coming as soon as the epilogue chapters come) Named after Mr. Morgan : )

John Marston- Friend/ Later sees him as a brother as she does with Arthur

Sean Maguire- Good Friend and somewhat first crush although it just remains that and nothing more. She liked having talks with him with a good drink.(Will Update after Clemen’s Point)

Jack Marston - She sees him as a little brother, always watching out for him, taking him fishing, sometimes spoiling him with treats or rewarding him with money for helping with chores or packing the caravans. Lucy greatly relates to Jack, having been born in the gang environment, witnessing good and bad, sometimes traumatizing events…but unlike Lucy, Jack still managed to keep his innocence while she started performing robberies and heists at his age…in away, she envies him but also doesn’t.

Isabelle Usignoli / Madame Belle (OC)- Contact and friend in Saint Dennis, Belle is a wealthy songstress from Italy, often performing in the theatre. But being of high status and wealthy, she has many connections, but it a master at the art of blackmail. She helps Lucy get an invitation into a grand party in Saint Dennis, in order to steal a very expensive dress that Belle can turn around for profit to give to Lucy. Belle also helps Lucy in near extreme dire situations, proving a powerful ally and friend.


Susan Grimshaw- Somewhat of a mother figure after loosing her actual mother, but more of a senile (to a point) aunt. She means well, but Lucy just wishes she wouldn’t nag about her manners and life choices.

Molly O’Shea- Lucy has tried being nice to her but always felt very awkward around her. She doesn’t care much for her attitude and laziness, she only comes to pity her. Lucy feels like Molly should have known what she was getting herself into when wanting to come along with the gang just because she fell in love with Dutch…. they were a gang of killers, thieves, liars, and so forth, always on the run, always into danger.


Colm O’Driscoll - (will update after Clemen’s Point)


Micah Bell- He’s Micah.

Daniel Rothchester- (OC) English royalty descendent, murdered his own family for fortune/ inheritance. Lucy and Hosea got in the way and accidentally stumbled across the victims corpses in the Rothchester Estate, took whatever valuables and burned the estate to pay respects before Daniel could get back in time. Now he hunts for Lucy for revenge. Feud gets very violent, and lasts well into the epilogue.


Some useful/useless info:

-Lucy loves to drink, despite her age, she loves herself some Guarma Rum

-She also smokes, like most everyone in the gang, slowly gathering the premium cards but only the ones she likes

-She will often sneak off on her own at night when she’s planning herself a little solo robbery or heist

- She is very afraid of alligators, avoiding the Bayou like the plague whenever she can

- She can swim but not for too long, she gets cold very easy

-Throughout RDR2, Lucy’s hair becomes noticeably longer overtime as well

- The animal she is associated with (Like how Arthur is the deer, John’s the Wolf) is the Crow