Duskpaw not mine:



10 months, 9 days ago





PRNS: She/Her


OCCUPATION: Medicine Cat Apprentice

AGE: 9 Moons



Duskpaw was born in late Greenleaf to Shimmersplash and Risingdawn, along with her sister Shellpaw. Throughout her kithood, Duskpaw struggled to understand why her mother favored her sister rather than her, and often was scolded for her efforts to impress her. She found comfort in befriending bugs, and, one day, whilst playing mossball with Shellpaw, stumbled across a lunar moth wing. Wanting to cherish the rare object, Duskpaw gently attached it to the back of her ear using little vines on the ground nearby. She often would sneak out while her mother was asleep, and play with the fireflies that inhabited Lightclan.
Duskpaw, seeking to become the clans second medicine cat, was apprenticed to Cinderwing. Quickly did she bond with Cinderwing, and gradually, Duskpaw began to see her as a safe place to turn to when her mother was upset with her (often because she spent more time playing with bugs than learning herbs). Later on into her apprenticeship, she got into a heated argument with her sister, whom ran away soon after. Duskpaw, feeling terrible, left the safety of her clan camp to find her sister. Duskpaw unintentionally came across a Fangclan patrol, asking them if they had seen Shellpaw. To Duskpaws surprise, they led her into Fangclan camp. Upon entering their Medicine Den, her eyes laid upon Shellpaw, her fur drenched in blood. Knowing the Fangclan cats weren’t in a good mood, she dragged her unconscious sister back to Lightclan. To Duskpaws dismay, her mother lashed out at her, thinking Duskpaw had attacked her out of rage and jealousy. No matter how much Duskpaw tried to tell her mother the truth, Shimmersplash wouldn’t listen. Duskpaw, hurt by her mothers words, walked back to the Medicine Den and, with the help of Cinderwing, treated Shellpaws wounds. She soon left the den, ears perked as she watched many of the clans warriors march out of camp. Curious, Duskpaw followed, soon finding herself in the midst of a horrid battle. No sooner had she seen the bloodshed that coated the grass that she broke into a terrified sprint, colliding with Sagewhisker. In a spitting fury, Sagewhisker attacked the apprentice, only to meet the claws of Koistar. Horror-struck, Duskpaw fled the battle, dashing into the Medicine Den as she cried out for Cinderwing. Cinderwing quickly ran to her side, a horrified look on her face as she saw the wounds inflicted on the apprentice. She treated Duskpaws wounds hastily, ushering her into a secret part of the den. Battle enraged for what felt like moons before Koistar returned, wounded and discouraged from losing the battle. Duskpaw and Cinderwing spent multiple days treating the many injured warriors, pleased that the dreadful battle had ended.

Character Notes:

Moth’s wing is NOT optional!