Humbug's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Cannot be resold

Design Terms of Use

Endeleev Global Rules

here’s a cursory tldr tos w/ the simple terms while I work on uploading the full thing on here;

- DO NOT delete my designs off of the site.

- DO NOT resell my designs off-site to somebody without a toyhouse profile. I would appreciate the ability to track where my character designs go.

- You can resell anytime! Sometimes people lose connection pretty quickly, I get that!

- Redesigns are okay!!

- You can use my designs for anything aside from promoting heinous/bigoted views or ‘abused lab experiment’ characters. You can do literally anything else with them, it makes me extremely uncomfortable

- Taking inspiration from my designs is okay! Though I would very much appreciate it if you’d ask before doing so!

- Don’t sell designs of mine (with no extra art) for real currency if they were purchased with art, AC, or through a trade. You can add the currency value of your own & commissioned artwork though, obviously!

- Don’t resell custom made designs without alerting me first!

Don’t resell to anybody on my blacklist.

CrazyChickenNugget / BrokenBone / Braabru / LIVIDJUNGLE / Chai_Moon, MimicMello, Boxduck & alts / CrowAries
